Thursday, December 06, 2007

because I cannot sleep

perhaps thinking will help.
Andrew didn't think anybody would repost this quiz, so I thought I'd prove him wrong:

1) Some random girl comes up to you and says "who the hell are you"?
You're asking what I'd do? I'd say "look you don't know me yet, but very soon you will.."

2) What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
my Foot!

4) The last song you listened to?
"Roadrunner" by Jonathan Richmond and Modern Lovers.

5) If you hated someone and got put in charge of his or her funeral music, what would it be?
"Entry of the Gladiators" by Fucik or "Liberty Bell March"

6) Where is your best friend right now?
I'm not sure :(

8) Pick a scar on your body:
I think the one above my left eyebrow

9) What teacher have you hated most and why?
Mrs.White, who took all the joy of math and turned it to hate

15.) Who do you trust with your life?
Ashley Silcock, Sarah Gartshore, my family... hmmm

16) If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
Bruno Ponce Léon? Johnny Moondog? Citizen Simac?

17) What would you say if someone told you that you were the most beautiful person in the world and they would do anything to wake up to your face each and every morning?
Obviously that depends on Who said it.

18) What do you hate about your school?
That they didn't accept a four year honour degree and higher than stated requirements for entrance to their MA program.

19) How often do you curse?
Ah shit...

20) Do you trust all of your friends?
All of them. To varying degrees and with specific things. One learns to what extents they can trust people - I've learned the hard way often enough. I still love them.

21) Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?
Of course. Probably not the U.S. though.

22.) Have you ever talked on the phone while in the shower?
electronics and water? why didn't I think of it!!

23) Name two things you would not tolerate in a relationship?

24) Which one of your friends do you think would make the best prostitute?
I wouldn't wish that on the people I Don't like! I'm sure as hell not doing so for friends.

25) Are you afraid of falling in love?
not at all, it's probably better than smoking

26) Is there someone that popped in your mind after that question?
I thought of ex-lovers, naturally

29) Fill in the blank. I love_____....
"that shit!" or "you" or "gratuitously"

30) What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future?
move to the caribbean - which people should already know

31) If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended time who would you call?
that cute nurse from the night shift

32) How many kids do you want to have?
one. or two. or the whole soccer team. no other number will do

33) Would you make a good parent?
I think so. I have been told so. I have a number of friends that I've been learning from, so Yes

34) Where was your default picture taken?
in my bedroom

35) What is your middle name?
Charles. Some folks think it's Charlie and that's okay, but really it's Charles

36) Honestly, what's on your mind right now?
I am literally Killing time

37) If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?
I would have been nicer

38) Shoe size?

39) What are you wearing right now?
blue jeans, boxers, t-shirt and a sweater

41) Can you make a dollar in change right now?
I bet I can make ten

44) Favorite animal?
Iguanas. They are magical. Followed closely by rats

46) Have you had the chicken pox?
Twice! it is in fact possible...

48) Ever had plastic surgery?

49) Who knows you the best?
I ask myself this often enough. Everybody knows different aspects of me...

51) Ever been in a fight with your pet?
sort of. it was pretty one sided...

52) Ever been to Mexico?
No. but nearly went on a day trip to Tijuana when I visited LA

55) Did you miss anyone today?
Yessss, just like everyday!

58) Last person to lay in your bed?
Me! If you meant who besides me I am not answering, it would just sound like something it wasn't anyhow.

59) Last person to see you cry...
I think Ami Lowe

60) Who/what made you cry?
my pet iguana died

62) What are your plans for the weekend?
try to get my shit in order

63) Who do you think will repost this?
not too many people read this anymore. If Vic is the type to repost Crap like this, maybe...

64) Are you happy right now?
I'm not sad

66) Are you hungry?
I just had apple crisp and bread, so no

67) Are you a forgiving person?
Very much so.

68) Would you ever share a girl/boyfriend with your best friend?
Not with my best friend, but I have with others

70) Are you talking to someone while doing this?
I am quiet as a churchmouse.

72) What are you about to do right now?
go to bed

1 comment:

Phinneas Q Jacksmith said...

Damn Simac! You went and proved me wrong!