Saturday, August 20, 2005

antr 2906

I now have a class list for the course I shall be TAing for Dr. Molohon. As previously stated, I'm quite excited for it to start. I hope to pick up the texts from her this week.
She assures us it will be a lot of work. I feel confident with challenge, but one can't help but be a little nervous.
there are 39 students in the class! That's fairly large, I think that there were roughly 25 when I took the course.
Also, it is going to be wicked cool to work with Lacey Pitre (pic coming soon I hope) again, cuz she's teh roxxor!


The problem with drafting, of course, is that you can set your work aside and return to it at a later date. Some will note that this is also the advantage of drafting.

Myself, I'm one of those who find it difficult to get back to it, because even when i do have the time, I tend to lose the mindset that originally drove the draft. I am one of those who writes according to the whim of the moment, you see.

This post itself was started as I mused on two drafts that I ultimately decided had to be deep-sixed. There is another one, discussing the nature of names and how I relate to them, which I am in deliberation over deleting or printing. It is pure fluff, certainly, but it is something I think about often enough that I might as well mention it.

On a different angle, I should mention that I did take mechanical and architectural drafting back in highschool (all those years ago). It is a very purposeful skill, yet I also find it to be an art. I do wish I had pursued it more, but it is not for me to say what twists and turns life will take. If anyone reading this has an interest or developed skill on the subject, I would Love to hear about it. Same goes for anyone with interest or expertise in fonts.

Seeing as three is a magic number, I shall mention one more point on drafting. It is fairly common knowledge that one can follow closely on another vehicle when at high speed, for instance when highway driving. The advantage is that as the front vehicle plows through the air, it creates a partial vacuum behind itself, which can help draw the following vehicle along.

Useful as that is, I cannot profess to be as interested in drafting of this nature as I am in the concept of drift. The most dramatic example of which I have experienced occurred ages before in a slightly juvenile display of driving skill to my sister. I have thought of that incident a few times lately, coming to appreciate the amount of danger I provided myself and my family to illustrate an example of advanced driving technique.

I strongly urge you all to know and hone your technique as much as possible, but never to take unneccessary risks behind the wheel. Thank heavens I did not crash the car that day and kill my family!

Friday, August 05, 2005

The Next Job

While cruising the halls of my beloved Alma Mater a short while back, I got a job offer.

Originally I had been looking for David Robinson in the classroom building; we hadn't chatted for a while and I figured it was time. He was not in the building that day, but I did run into Dr. Molohon. She was my linguistics teacher. Linguistics, to most people, may seem dry as me granmither's oatcakes, but I liked it a Lot.

Dr. Molohon offered to take me on as a Tutorial Assistant, if my workload wasn't too heavy. Luckily, I am only making up nine credits this year, so my workload is Very conducive. She has already emailed me about beginning to put the course in motion. I am soooo frikkin' into this I can hardly wait!

yup, that's that.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Okay sometimes I really want to write a piercingly intelligent, keenly insightful, thought provoking piece on deeply academic issues. I have never attained the heights I would like to with That aspiration, but there is always the flipside...

Sometimes it comes down to this: I drink swill, I swear like a sailor, I want to smoke and fuck and get in the occasional fight. I want to run til I drop (let's say skate, because then it takes hours instead of just a few blocks). I like the acid sting as the sweat channels itself down the scars in either eyebrow and straight into my eye, temporarily blinding me. I like smelling gross from too much sweat and grime. Although it sucks at the moment it occurs, there are even occasions where a good road-rash inducing fall has its merits. Sometimes I walk slowly into the cold cold water and let it chill me piecemeal to the bone til there's nothing left but cold steely will. (Anyone can simply dive straight under, that ain't no thang). I look at girls who are way too young for me and I maintain that a pool cue may be the only tool you ever need to have a good job. I believe one of the cores of humour is another persons misfortune and I say it's funny cuz it's not me. I spew sarcasm and enjoy when it comes back at me - if it's done well. People who can't do sarcasm but try to anyway just bother me. I drive aggressively, but intelligently and Yes I Am a real Mario Andretti, officer, so kiss my pearly northern ass!

- I split my infinitives, and make comma splices. I use semicolons without a second thought as to sentence construction; it makes me giggle.*

I could go on, but you must get the idea by now. This is not the "all the time" Jason. Sometimes I can be very suave, cultured and classy. Perhaps a few of you have even seen this side of me.

I only mention these things today because I have realized that they are traits that I seek in others as well. Again, not "all the time" in others, but there has to be a willingness to work with it.

Lovely. Write. Respond. Tell me your dirty, stupid and socially unacceptable habits.

*this paragraph was for one person in particular, hope you appreciated it...

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Need a New Mantra

It is not too hot to skate from Caruso Club to the watertower, then to the art gallery, then to Dooleys. Some would have you believe it is too hot, but I am living proof otherwise.
So? What Is required is some tepid water on the way and perhaps a good mantra. As far as I am concerned Nike is a Goddess, Not a brand, but I will give the marketing department it's due: "Just Do It" is one of the best all around mantras ever uttered in this society.
I am tired of that one, though. I need a new mantra. I am open to suggestions. I'm off to the art gallery.