Saturday, November 18, 2006


Stella is my younger pet rat. As some readers know already, she went to the vet with a severe pneumonia, but pulled through that remarkably. Two weeks later she returned to the vet. Her breathing had recovered (though was still laboured), but she had not gained any weight. In fact, she had dropped to 150 grams.

Less than an hour after coming home she'd breathed her last. I've heard many condolences on her passing, which I appreciate. Honestly, given that we all go sometime, this was a good way to go. Of course I am sad, I will miss her, but I was also lucky to get an extra two weeks with her.

Bi bi, Stella

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Various thoughts...

Dah!As Stella recovers from serious pneumonia, Penelope has developed a tumour. She goes under the knife tomorrow afternoon - for the second time!

I'm in the school paper. Perhaps I should have used an exclamation mark for that, but schmeh. I also spoke to the Lambda editor about doing photography for them.

I spoke with Jeff from Lit. Crit. & Theory, while he worked away in CKLU today. It made me remember that I was going to get a show on the station. I should look into that again.

Possibly taking dance lessons with Lil' Liz Van Tassel. She is already a dancer, I am a clod. It will be fun, but interesting.

Really, Brutallly, Seriously behind with the work for Athabasca. This will not do. Sympathize! Or, better yet, motivate me. I would really appreciate it and promise to do the same for you, when you need it.

I am playing Risk with the crew from LOCS tomorrow. Not a bad game, really. I would like to hang out with one person in particular who will be there... A little coffee would be nice anyway.

lessee; Rats, Risk, Radio, Paper, School...
I reckon that's it for now. I have a date with Percy Bysshe b'nun-d'dada Shelley. (Not even the English majors knew that was one of his middle names!)

hope you enjoyed this fluff...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I was recently reminded that I once theorized that there are four different types of coffee. Try not to think “Columbian,” or “Dark Roast” here. More succinctly, there are four purposes to coffee. I was asked today what they are, but the original impulse was gone, so I had to scavenge my own mentality to reconstruct the notion. Here's what I came up with:

The most common, and therefore let us call it Type 1 coffee, is shared with friends. It is social coffee, or more accurately, socializing coffee. One discusses their day, family, the crazy weekend that they endured. The coffee is the pretext to an event where we hone our social skills. Type 1 - Friendly coffee.

I cannot comment on the commonality of the remaining types, though I would guess that this is next: coffee as the common bond. This is the junkie's coffee. Let's face it, we all drink the stuff and many times have little else in common. Life puts us in situations where we necessarily end up working with these people whom we have little in common with. I liken this coffee to the banners we wave in a stadium. We all support the same team, it seems to say; therefore, Type 2 - Stadium coffee. Junkie's coffee also kind of covers the “I can't wake up without it” cup we have in the morning, though I would not argue with anyone who chose to represent it as its own genre.

Thankfully, the next purpose is fairly uncommon, though I had this coffee last night. This coffee provides a reason to get together with someone when they need help or support. Society is weird like that. Many of us can simply say “I need your help / support.” Perhaps itʼs the idea of that extra common bond that reinforces the person understands you. This makes their support seem more valid, or better. Or something like that. It is also nice to have the option to pause without saying anything, while one contemplates the hardships at hand. This is provided for by slowly sipping at the coffee. Type 3, then - Support coffee.

C4 (which can provide quite the bang)
One of the most obvious is the COFFEE. This is the beverage that affords one some extra time (usually one on one) to try and convince another that they should be Closer. Intimate. Physical. I call it COFFEE because of a comedian who once discussed this (Eddie Izzard). For those of you not familiar with Izzard, let us label it as Type 4 - Sexy coffee. or, sssSexy Coffee!

My primitive mentality produced these four purposes more or less immediately, however, in the time it took to write this I have identified to more types that deserve recognition. They can often be linked to Type 4 coffee, but don't Have to be.

This coffee is again usually one on one, though variations are noted depending on a person's ambitions. Its purpose is to probe the personality of someone you have recently met. One is looking for how well they will get along with the other. Clearly this may connect to Type 4 coffee because one may finish a few cups of the black gold and think “I like this person, I want to take this person to bed,” or possibly “Let's fuck.” There is a second purpose to this coffee though. One may be looking to see if the other person will make a goodly friend. I suppose
one might be guaging if the other will be a suitable addition to the company (i.e. interview coffee). Since there are different manifestations, we require an umbrella term. My first idea was “Worthiness coffee,” which though accurate, sounds cynical. I opt instead to suggest Type 5 - Tentative coffee.

The final coffee type I offer now for your consideration also subdivides into two major categories. Indeed, sub-divide as you see fit, but the concepts of necessity and luxury present themselves. On the necessity side we have the “Damn it's cold, I need to warm up with a nice hot cup of” coffee. On the luxury side I am thinking of when the warmth imbued by the beverage is more spiritual. An excellent example: Waking up exhausted after a long night of successful Type 4 coffees with someone you truly adore and quietly sipping on a fresh cup of breakfast blend while you massage your partner's feet and contemplate the fact that it is Sunday and all your responsabilities have been attended to. Type 6 - Coffee of Warmth. Probably this is the Best cup of coffee one can have.

IMPORTANT! - When doing coffee, be sure you know which type you are drinking! Many a disastrous occasion has arisen out of confusion over just what coffee type is going down your throat. Sometimes the differences are glaringly obvious - it is difficult to confuse Type 6 coffee with good old fashioned Types 1 or 5. Though I hate the term, if you Do confuse these types there is a chance you might be “easy.” Seek help from a respected barrista.

Consider the person and their situation, when inviting anyone for coffee. Does your intended coffee type match their most likely preference? Some people will never taste Type 4 coffee, some can't start their day without it. If it's Type 3 coffee, ask yourself if you really have enough time (these coffees can be tediously repetitive and take Hours for just one cup). And for heaven's sake learn to recognize when it's only ever going to Be Type 1 coffee.

Remember that there are special times where coffee types overlap. It is possible on occasion to have Type 1 for a long time with someone, but circumstance suddenly changes it to Type 4. Learn to recognize the subtle differences and your cheesy horoscope might come true for once. Remember also that though Type 3 can overlap well with and reinforce Type 1, it's often disastrous when mixed with Type 4. Adding alcohol to your coffee (even an innocent dash of Bailey's) can compound the issue. This is not to say that alcohol is verboten, sometimes the added warmth of some Tia Maria can enhance the right type of coffee, especially 4 and 6. Keep in mind that each alcohol has a personality of its own that will influence and possibly potentiate with the coffee type.

It tends to be a social phenomenon that Asking someone what type of coffee you are enjoying with them, especially after the first refill or later, dampens the situation considerably. Further, it makes one look somewhat naive or even a bit of a dullard. Moreover, asking may be considered crude and boorish. Again, with the right measure of charisma and delicate handling, asking may be acceptable. There are documented instances where asking, handled well, has advantageously turned one type to another (to the delight and amusement of all involved). Simply put: Be Careful about Asking!

A note about Decaf:
There are those members of society who have very strong reactions to the contents of a lovely coffee. Caffeine is the main problem in these cases. In the past, Decaf was considered somewhat frivolous and suggested that the imbiber was not serious about anything. In these semi-enlightened times of political correctness, it is considered a faux pas to make such assumptions. If one is open about drinking Decaf, it is not rude to inquire if they have trouble with regular coffee, just do not pry.

DISCLAIMER! - It should be noted that although in recent times it is common enough to see someone drinking coffee in a chic café while reading the DaVinci Code™, there is no hidden, kabbalic or otherwise mystic numerology to the coffee types presented here. If you find yourself seeking secret meanings in these numbers, you have likely had far too much of whatever type you're drinking and have become paranoid. Do not consult a barrista! Barristas practice their own weird mysticism and cannot help. Instead seek a coffee cessation worker.

I would like to share with you an ancient poem about coffee. It was written in a male dominated society, so please try to see the value beyond the single sexist remark it contains.

Good Coffee Should Be
Black as Night
Strong as Death
Sweet as a Woman

*sigh* It brings a tear to the ee, doesnʼt it? Now, as regular readers will acknowledge, I often ask for feedback. By all means if I have left out significant elements, share your view with the rest of us. Until we meet again, maintain full speed, stay up late, wake up tired but determined.

Stella My Hero

Rats. It is my conviction that Rats and Beavers are the most intelligent of all rodents. Beavers make hellish pets, they take soooo much effort to tame (^_^) better to just enjoy them wild, naturally. Rats make wonderful pets because you do not need to break the habit of damming up the frikkinʼ bathtub. I live with two rats, named Penelope and Stella (aka StelapodʼnʼPenelapod in cutesy baby talk).

Stella has been suffering under “a severe pneumonia.” She had lost half her weight in 3 days and became unco-ordinated She has been on something called Enrofloxacin™, and a strawberry flavoured diet supplement for old people through the worse part of the week. Last night we reached the eleventh hour, or chapel perilous, or what have you. She was gasping for air. She was convulsing for it. It looked painful. She could hardly breathe much less choke down even liquid food.

If ever you have tried to nurse someone sick to better health, you must realize how desperately you wish you could help. Of course, being there for them is about all one can do. I was worried that Stella would die last night. I know it was much worse for her, but it was hard for me too.

Some may say in these circumstances that it is most kind to put no expectations on the sick. I may not be the most kind person. I told her to fight and fight and damn well fight. I reason that if I am ever in a similar condition I will do the same. That is what life does - it clings, it holds on, it forces itself to persist, it fights. After many hours of ragged breathing, the sound of which reminded me of a saw, some Type 3 coffee with some friends and plenty of shifting discomfort, Stella's breathing became rhythmic and quieter. I rested with her on my chest for a few hours and gave her some boost™. With her breathing still shallow, but constant, I set her in her cage for a while. I woke up every hour through the morning, worried about her.

If this seems too fluffy for you, quit reading now, it's going to get worse. I canʼt say how much my words affected Stella. Certainly there are those who insist that non-human animals can't understand our speech. I differ with such people. I think that she not only heard me prompting her, but took it to heart. It is truely inspiring to watch 240 grams of tiny hands, twitching whiskers and bulging beady eyes strive so hard against circumstance. The sheer resolve, force of will, Stella displayed in beating this infection makes me proud. Such a tiny, fragile thing, without the strength to cross the floor of her cage, found the wherewithal to overcome her difficulties. On one level she is muscle and sinew, but on another she is tempered steel. She is my hero because of this.

Stella is a reminder to me to keep pushing even when the odds are against you and failure seems assured. She is a reminder to never give in, never give up. She embodies the best-finest aspects of the principles of obstinacy, survival and indomitable spirit.
More Importantly, my little girl is going to survive!

I must give credit where due. Penelope helped to take care of Stella, grooming her on a regular basis, sheilding her from harsh light, etc.

The one thing I will add is that (assuming the God I believe in exists), when I meet God, we are going to have a long talk about this whole issue of 3 days to become deathly ill and a number of weeks until full recovery. This issue is damned offensive to me and someone is going to answer for it (assuming there is a God).

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Toad In The Hole!

(I Swear I thought I had written it already, but I was wrong. Wrong! and I apologize)

You likely know it by a different name, like, Egg in a raft, Eggy in the basket or even ... I don't know. The potential list of metaphoric names for toast with a section hollowed wherein one fries an egg is likely extensive. I have no idea who first called it Toad In The Hole. I would love to know if any of you had a different name for this food when you were younger. No need to make up metaphors really, cuz I could do that...

Imagine how different commando films would feel if they yelled it each time the tossed a grenade or used a breaching charge: Instead of "Fire In the Hole!!!' it would be "Toad In the Hole" and the enemy soldiers would be like: "zey are attacking mit ze toads? Kvik, Hans, get ze tennis rackets, ve must defend ze bunker!" Hehehe

It also makes me think of the phrase "ace in the hole." Yet I haven't figured a scenario that 's even vaguely plausible to fit such a change....
Gangsta 1: We need to take Vinnie down, he's gonna rat us out.
Gangsta 2: Yeah, but he's paranoid and he's gonna underground. Nobody can reach him now.
Gangsta 1: It's okay, I've got an ace, I mean Toad in the hole. Y'see he's got a thing for fresh linen. Irish linen. We simply slip some poison into his pillow case. He calls for fresh sheets... Next time he lays his head down, it's for the Big Sleep, see?

that's three. more soon.
thanks for reading

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


This is a happy type entry, but before I start I should apologize for the double entry about language earlier. Not that many of you responded, which is a shame, but in general terms. That mistake was due to an embarassing lag time that blogger users suffered that day.

Here's the Good Stuff:

1) Called the landlord. "My furnace isn't working." The vivacious and pretty secretary answers and makes a quick check of things. "We can have a guy there in an hour." (^_^)!

2) Bureaucracy Demon the First: SLAIN! This would be the demon that barred the gates to convocation. In the eleventh hour of an epic struggle between myself and the demon, I struck it a mortal blow and my prize is that I can graduate. 28 Oct., 10 a.m., Everybody invited.

3) Bureaucracy demon the Second: Flagging. It's getting weaker and I am set to rally. Soon I shall have my OSAP.

4) I don't know about 4, I think I am just in a good mood today. If you are in a Not Good mood, come seek me out and I will cheer you up. I can make you smile!

Saturday, October 14, 2006


I am missing a few things. In keeping with established style, I will mention three:

I have missed the first anthro dinner, of which I am rather insensed. This is the only one I have missed since being at LU. It is an unusual chance to catch up with some really cool people that I don't get to see enough of.

Tonight I shall miss the flamenco espectacularrrrrr (roll the 'r') and that is Such a shame! Obviously, I want to hear the music and see the dancing, (and be jealous that I don't know how to do either). I also hoped to get some wicked photos at the event too. Pics would be nice because I could get them in Lambda, whose pics from the metric concert just Sucked.

Lastly, I miss . You know who you are.

Tune in later for More exciting updates.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A side thought about language

So I was trying to find an image of Rose McGowan, because she is beautiful. This led, as anyone would reasonably guess, to a grammar quiz. Someone was urging whoever read his writing to preserve the english language. Pardon: the English language. I felt I should respond.

One has to understand that language changes over time, like it or lump it. Over a long enough time it becomes a new language. It is fun to toy with those high school teachers who lament any change whatsoever, any usage that is less than "good english." This concept varies from teacher to teacher, of course - try comparing some teachers and see for yourself.

You see, the argument is quite old. Back in the 1600s there were also people of influence (men, primarily, because the patriarchy kept women down) who made the same complaints. The usage that bothered them is now standard english. At one point for instance, the use of contractions was abominable and low class. Incidentally, the vulgar and vernacular tend to be the crucible for new language - the birthplace of new language. It is of course foolish to resist the creation of new language. It is futile. All language changes.

Personally, I have always found it one of the more charming aspects of english that its adaptability, flexibility and willingness to expand its horizons have made it the largest language in history (by lexicon). The upshot? Speakers have more ways to express themselves. Language Is about communicating, after all.

I know there are those of you out there who carry an utter disdain for ebonics, 1337, and other lower forms. Ironically, this attitude comes primarily from academia, an area with such elitistly developed modes of language use that 'hypocrisy' hardly covers what is going on. Nonetheless, I will agree wholeheartedly that they Are Lower forms.

Perhaps the reason I am so surprised at people who most want to 'preserve' the language, is that they are often the ones who seem to claim most vehemently their love of the language. Yet there is no joy, no laughter, no creation to their relationship with the language. Sorry. Of course there is, but only in rigidly prescribed manners. I'm not trying to slag these people, because I see some validity in what they are saying. I feel that a little must be added to it, though.

I think, (and I hope people will throw in their two cents), that the idea is people should understand the Formal Usage of a language before using other modes. Some will say this is essential. I would say important, but not essential. remember that the basic value of language is getting the idea across. If you hear something like ebonics and don't understand it, perhaps you haven't considered that the message is not intended for you. On the other hand, I do insist that if one is speaking ebonics to an academic, the speaker is at fault for not choosing clearly understandable speech. Not to let the 'learned' off the hook though, this principle goes both ways, a double edged knife!

The forging of new language is a wonderful, enjoyable and often intellectual pursuit. I cannot suggest it strongly enough as an activity befitting the rich, the poor, the woman, the boy, the smart, the stupid, the black, white, yellow and red - Everybody! The trick lies in how you impart your meaning to others.

Since I have already asked for responses, I shall make a more specific request: why not reply with a word or phrase of your own devising? State the meaning or intended usage. I promise I will try to use as many of them as I can. If anyone reading this loves language, then let us forge our own additions to english together.

A side thought about language

So I was trying to find an image of Rose McGowan, because she is beautiful. This led, as anyone would reasonably guess, to a grammar quiz. Someone was urging whoever read his writing to preserve the english language. Pardon: the English language. I felt I should respond.

One has to understand that language changes over time, like it or lump it. Over a long enough time it becomes a new language. It is fun to toy with those high school teachers who lament any change whatsoever, any usage that is less than "good english." This concept varies from teacher to teacher, of course - try comparing some teachers and see for yourself.

You see, the argument is quite old. Back in the 1600s there were also people of influence (men, primarily, because the patriarchy kept women down) who made the same complaints. The usage that bothered them is now standard english. At one point for instance, the use of contractions was abominable and low class. Incidentally, the vulgar and vernacular tend to be the crucible for new language - the birthplace of new language. It is of course foolish to resist the creation of new language. It is futile. All language changes.

Personally, I have always found it one of the more charming aspects of english that its adaptability, flexibility and willingness to expand its horizons have made it the largest language in history (by lexicon). The upshot? Speakers have more ways to express themselves. Language Is about communicating, after all.

I know there are those of you out there who carry an utter disdain for ebonics, 1337, and other lower forms. Ironically, this attitude comes primarily from academia, an area with such elitistly developed modes of language use that 'hypocrisy' hardly covers what is going on. Nonetheless, I will agree wholeheartedly that they Are Lower forms.

Perhaps the reason I am so surprised at people who most want to 'preserve' the language, is that they are often the ones who seem to claim most vehemently their love of the language. Yet there is no joy, no laughter, no creation to their relationship with the language. Sorry. Of course there is, but only in rigidly prescribed manners. I'm not trying to slag these people, because I see some validity in what they are saying. I feel that a little must be added to it, though.

I think, (and I hope people will throw in their two cents), that the idea is people should understand the Formal Usage of a language before using other modes. Some will say this is essential. I would say important, but not essential. remember that the basic value of language is getting the idea across. If you hear something like ebonics and don't understand it, perhaps you haven't considered that the message is not intended for you. On the other hand, I do insist that if one is speaking ebonics to an academic, the speaker is at fault for not choosing clearly understandable speech. Not to let the 'learned' off the hook though, this principle goes both ways, a double edged knife!

The forging of new language is a wonderful, enjoyable and often intellectual pursuit. I cannot suggest it strongly enough as an activity befitting the rich, the poor, the woman, the boy, the smart, the stupid, the black, white, yellow and red - Everybody! The trick lies in how you impart your meaning to others.

Since I have already asked for responses, I shall make a more specific request: why not reply with a word or phrase of your own devising? State the meaning or intended usage. I promise I will try to use as many of them as I can. If anyone reading this loves language, then let us forge our own additions to english together.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Touchstone friends

My friend Andrew is one of my touchstone friends. For those of you who don't know what a touchstone is, attend: The ancients found a special stone upon which you could scrape other substances and it would leave a mark. When Gold was set to it, the gold would leave a mark distinct from anything else. This was probably the earliest form of anti-fraud device for humankind.

Gold. I seek people who are as good as gold, in their own quirky ways. When I say someone is a touchstone, then, you can surmise that I am somehow comparing you to them. Well, that's a little off base. What I am thinking is that if you have a problem with such a person, odds are I will end up having a problem with you (sooner or later).

This is not a righteousness trip. It could well turn out that this is my loss. It doesn't mean the person in question is any less valid in their humanity, dignity, opinions, etc... it's just a guideline for me - a caveat, even. On occasion, I have ignored this impulse and once or twice it even worked out. Generally, it is a good impulse.

Sudbury Transit gets a boost - or, Two!

By chance, I spoke with a co-ordinator for our fair city's illustrious transit system today. It was pleasant, he was a decent chap. I won't linger on the less significant biz, but I do want to share this:

I mentioned to him how ages ago in Hamilton, the transit system assigned every bus-stop a personal phone number. Riders could call the number and find out precisely how long until their next bus came. Aside from obvious slow-downs like black ice or blizzards, the system was invariably accurate to within a minute or two at the absolute outside.

O my faithful readers, you Know how I used to disdain Sudbury Transit when I first came here. One never realizes how good home was until they leave, eh? Well after I describe this to co-ordinator guy, he tells me that the bus authority are already in phase one of putting the same system into effect here! Phase One - the GPS system is being put into place even as I write this! Phone numbers are being arranged...

This is a major boon to bus users all over the city. Further, there are eleven (or was it thirteen?) new buses coming to Sudbury, to increase schedule times and run later. Hot Damn!

It is a common thing to work in threes on this blog, so I shall also mention the U-Pass system, which is hard at work for all full time undergrads at L.U. It's here now, and no amount of pissing and moaning can stop it. Frankly, I think it is great. Cambrian will be online with this idea next year. Hopefully, so will Boreal.

Exciting times in the mass transit milieu. For all the complaints I have had about buses here, I would like to say now that I am indeed impressed with the advances Sudbury Transit is making. Kudos to all bus-affiliated workers, you're on the right track.

Not just another manic Monday.

Not Manic at all, o commanders of the faithful, but instead very pleasant and rather relaxing. So here are the major concerns, along with their status.

Convocation. Well on my way. The final hurdle is being hurdled as we speak. My prof from up the hill at Huntington is helping to keep me on track. Just one more reason to suggest taking her classes. So at the end of the month, my poor immigrant parents will be able to attend my Grad.

OSAP. I have to register a three credit (i.e. half year) course, to upgrade to full time studenthood. I am currently most interested in Engl 2827, documentary film-making, but it doesn't appear to be offered. For further commentary on this issue, see previous blogs relating to school and administration.

I listened to my Happy music and had a cool discussion with a co-ordinator of Sudbury Transit. (see next blog).

Then I left school, while my friend's jump drive (which I borrowed) was still in the computer in the lab. A quick but pleasant jot over to the Uni and I had it back in my hot little mitts. Kinda restores your faith in people not stealing stuff, eh?

Dinner was a delish chili, made by Virginia. Chris was along for dinner as well. As we digested, Verge fought terror, Chris Limewired the new Rammstein and I chatted online with Verge's friend Lisa. Lisa is outgoing and fun, we've chatted before - it's time well spent.

I'm just thinking how nicely a cig would finish this evening... mmmm cigs!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Stalking about campus with a Rifle...

I am not about to do it. I have far too much restraint and self control to go all Marc LePine on you guys. But here's an insight as to why that shit happens:

Administration / Bureaucracy

Now this is a rant, so if you've had a bad enough day and only want positive influi, then stop reading now. Months and months ago I applied for the Autumn convocation. At the time I asked "is there anything else I should know or do to make sure there are no snags?" The reassuring reply: "No, no. They would contact you to let you know if there is anything." So far so hoopy.

A couple months pass, I hear nothing. Being both shady and suspicious myself, I decide to make double sure. "Any problems at all?" I ask. "It's all good," the reassuring response. I felt better. Now, any reasonable person would leave it at that, comfortable in knowing everything is just so. I, as I stated earlier in different words, am hardly so reasonable. This is a condition instilled in large part by the fact that I have worked intimately with the bureaucracy of Laurentian University, viewing firsthand the inefficiency, ineptness, and general devil may care attitudes that have become so entrenched. The upshot: I went back twice more to check everything is going well and there are no blips on the radar. O faithful reader, you can likely guess that I was told "there are no blips on the radar at all." If you do the math, you will see that I had Four separate, individual assurances.

In the meantime, my poor immigrant parents, who got off the boat in search of a better life in the new lands are dying to see their son graduate, for this symbolizes the aspirations attainable in the land of promise and plenty. Mither writes often to find out any news about it. The poor dear.

Today, Sept. 27, Y.T. gets a letter from L.U. from which I quote:
"The Senate Committee on Academic Regulations and Award has reviewed your application for the Fall 2006 Convocation. According to our records, you will not be eligible to graduate as you will not have completed all of the program requirements."

I was fulminating! For the sake of you proper ladies and gentlemen readers, I will except the stream of invective that flowed from my mouth for the next half hour. Into L.U.'s admin I go, approaching critical mass. It seems I have a fail mark in RLST 3196 and I don't have the course COST 3006. Two problems right? - Wrong!

For three years I have pointed out the faults of the school in cross-referencing courses, in their lack of courses (the reason I am not in a Master's Program right now!), in their inability to give proper information on any of these topics. Have they ever once listened? Apparently not! You see. RLST 3196 ACTUALLY IS COST 3006! They Are the Same Freakin' Course! Not that administration can comprehend this, though it is their creation to begin with. Eventually this becomes understood and to give credit where due, Colette Rainville at the Registrar's Office took care of that lickety split. Like, on the spot as I watched, as fast as ever any problem was solved in that office. Thank you, Colette, you are wonderful!

Now the problem of a "Fail" still stood out. Here's the story on that. I took the course RLST 3196, and I kicked it's ass. For the most part, I kicked it's ass. You see, I failed to hand in one essay. I believe it was worth 25%. I had calculated my marks though and without the essay, I still had a definite pass (in fact a B if I remember correctly). A "B," without the essay! Instead of simply giving my lower mark, the prof decided to give me an incomplete. This dragged out for a while, in fact all last year. The incomplete cocooned on my transcript and eventually emerged as a beautiful jewel-winged "Fail." I spoke to the prof. She said "just gimme an essay." I thought "just gimme a lower damned grade."

Whatever! I gave a shortened essay early in the summer this year. I still have a Fail. I cannot reach the prof. She is not available. There are no office hours for her posted. The secretary has no clue when the prof is around. I can say from experience that the prof does not spend much time at the University outside of her classes. Classes, I might add, that were fun, interesting and stimulating. I would recommend them if not for the bullshit I am wading through right now. -Don't let it happen to you!

So I ask the secretary "when is her next class?"
Secretary: "Well, she doesn't have anything tomorrow..."
etc. for fully a minute and a half, when I finally realize she is not going to say anything else. "I Suppose the next day is Friday then," I impose on her, "Does she teach anything Friday?.."
"Oh, let's see..."
(fucking obstinate dullard).
So there it is, I go in Friday morning and I will either come out graduating or with somebody's face in my hands, to be fashioned into a grisly mask later on.

I suppose that if I weren't letting my emotions out so strongly, one might pity me. You all should have the good sense to fear this happening to you, as you likely know about this administration first hand. I Almost have an Aristotelian tragedy on my hands. (^_^).

Friday. If I'm smiling, say hallo. If my jaw muscles appear tensed and my eyes dart around a lot, stay the hell away from me!

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Or more precisely connections. My life, as many of you have been told, is a web of coincidence - or synchronicity.

They told me that I would enjoy Dr. Orr's class. They were right. Granted, Plato is something of a pain in the arse sometimes. This is a subjective stance, which I support because Plato and I have differing views of how things need to get done. It's not that I think I am smarter than he was, after all I have two millennia of hindsight don't I? That said, let me simply add: Read Plato. I might not agree with him, but his work is important and in fact quite engaging.

Aristotle, on the other hand, is more my style. Tedious at times, but much more defensible and soundly constructed. It is in discussion of Aristotle that my Film and Genre class begins to connect with Dr. Orr's class. Aristotle would appear to be the beginning of Generic Types in Western thought - that is to say, the beginning of genre. In one day, we have seen the comparison with Semantic and Syntactic theories of critique. One fellow even brought us to the beginning of Ideological critique, though I doubt it was his intent. In fact, I doubt he realized what he was leaning towards.

Nonetheless, there is a sort of joyous feeling when I see the congruence between different classes. It makes me feel like things are running right. It enforces and bolsters my world view.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

thanks to anonymous user:

Someone came by here and read this blog, one who is not a regular visitor. They corrected some mistakes in the V for Vendetta entry. Thanks, anonymous. It was late and I was not thinking too clear. Thanks also for reading, hope you come by again...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Ah me!...

Did I drop the lyrics in here yet? Even if I did, here they are again. This is one of my Happy songs and I've been listening to it a lot lately. Today I had an excellent reason to do so again. Share with me, sing along if you know the tune:

Climbing up on Solsbury Hill
I could see the city light
Wind was blowing, time stood still
Eagle flew out of the night
He was something to observe
Came in close, I heard a voice
Standing stretching every nerve
Had to listen had no choice
I did not believe the information
(I) just had to trust imagination
My heart going boom boom boom
"Son," he said "Grab your things,
I've come to take you home."

To keep in silence I resigned
My friends would think I was a nut
Turning water into wine
Open doors would soon be shut
So I went from day to day
Tho' my life was in a rut
"Till I thought of what I'd say
Which connection I should cut
I was feeling part of the scenery
I walked right out of the machinery
My heart going boom boom boom
"Hey" he said "Grab your things
I've come to take you home."
(Back home.)

When illusion spin her net
I'm never where I want to be
And liberty she pirouette
When I think that I am free
Watched by empty silhouettes
Who close their eyes but still can see
No one taught them etiquette
I will show another me
Today I don't need a replacement
I'll tell them what the smile on my face meant
My heart going boom boom boom
"Hey" I said "You can keep my things,
they've come to take me home."


I happened to find in the bowling alley a copy of the newspaper the Granma. It is a Cuban paper. I felt ten or fifteen years younger looking at it and thinking of my more political years. I was an idealist then. Apparently some Cubans tipped off the U.S. Gov't. about a bomb and a plane and subsequently Nothing exploded and Nobody was hurt. Naturally, the U.S., being appreciative, put the poor bastards in Jail! Lesson? Never trust the imperialist running dog lackeys, they will fuck you over for practice. The families of the incarcerated are apparently here in Canada trying to gain support for the victims. Fucking U.S.

Right! I was allowed a one page response (line breaks inserted randomly because I've no inclination to re-format just for xanga):

ENGL 4105EL 02: Theory and Criticism 13 Sept., 2006

For M. Orr, by Jason Simac, 172478

In consideration of excerpts from Plato’s Republic:

Keywords: "Good," "Truth," "Knowledge," "Reason," "Represent: (~ation), (~er)" - also "image,"

Further Keywords: "Yes," "Lackeys,"* "Underlying Assumptions"*

The main speaker, Socrates, under the notion of founding a new community, explores several guiding principles upon which his community should be built. These amount to codes of conduct, including a serious and extensive measure of artistic censorship and related emotional content. This, of course, is for the greater good of the community and therefore the individual, by dint of the fact that it holds with certain "truths" that the speaker holds up.

By trying to establish a notion of forms, the speaker wants us to believe that for any given set of things (e.g. beds), there is what equates to a divine version, called the Form. Taking as given the existance of both God and the gods (which he switches between as fits his argument), he seeks to establish that only their Forms are realities. To be clear, God or possibly the gods, conceived of the Bed, which is in all ways the perfect bed. The beds you and I sleep on are only copies. Furthertheless, any representation of a bed is merely a copy of the copy. The divinely inspired concept is Truth - the Truth of beds, one might say. What we sleep on is removed by some degree from Truth. An image of a bed is quite removed from Truth. His argument rather naively, but completely misses the idea that form follows function, a rather glaring omission, which might undermine his entire discourse were it included.

Since truth (Truth) is a cornerstone of building his better community, it must be preserved. Poets, especially Homer (and poor old Hesiod hot on his heels) are suggested to be completely unacquainted with truth in any of its guises. As such they are direct targets for censorship. The speaker does very graciously (if not convincingly) supply for the continuance of Homer’s work if it can be proved true overall - which it cannot if one accepts the speaker’s argument. Such are the direct ideas central to this writing.

On a higher level, one might infer that the speaker was rather downtrodden, seeking for life to be ordered, easier and "nice." He shrinks from emotion, indulgence and the possiblility of expression. To be fair, the kind of state or community he begins to seek has in various degrees been realized. Such states invariably fail to be the utopia the speaker seems to think he will create.

The word "lackey" is listed as key because it describes the other two characters in these passages. They speak considerably less, but must be acknowledged as just as important. This is so because it is they who continuously assert the veracity of the main speaker, whom supplies the argument. This scheme makes Plato seem as though he were too timid to just say what was on his mind. It is an irony that he uses a source twice removed from the contained concept of Truth to backup what is presented. The non-central characters, (there are two so that nobody can call them the very Form of the yes-man) are so encompassing in their approval, in their lack of exploring any alternative possibilities, that one must wonder if the author believed something very different and sought to prove it by arguing the other side very poorly. Not too charitable, perhaps, but there you go.

The writing is quite engaging, light and even fun because of the informality of it. Nothing is forced on the reader, instead the central character repeats himself "you make up your mind." The unerring capitulation of the secondary characters makes one feel that we are all on the same page, understand each other and isn’t it nice that we’ve solved all that? It has the same feeling of easygoing agreement that one experiences when talking to a politician who is trying to establish that he’s just an average Joe like the rest of us. The imagery tends to be quite common (beds, tables, horses), or at least not fancy or rich (caves). Again, this puts the reader at ease. The assertion of the central speaker’s "logic" and its understandability makes the reader feel as though they themselves are perhaps smarter than they realized. That feels good, doesn’t it?

The problem is that there are serious faults all the way through the main speaker’s reasoning (see Keywords and below). The central character imposes that those who don’t know what they are talking about have no business discussing it. Whether on purpose or not, the writer builds in certain clues that the central speaker is not really qualified in the areas he propounds on, thus ruining any credibility he might have with the power of his own argument. In this sense the central speaker comes off as a little poncy, and a little annoying, and it might do him well to follow Diomedes suggestion to "Sit down, shut up and listen..." Overall, the desire for life to be "nice" stands out as quite significant in the greater scheme of things. Here is an early example of the mentality that likely led to the rise of monotheistic religion over polytheistic religion. This transition was a huge influence on how the West viewed art, Truth, meaning and several other concepts touched on in Republic. Not much else seems particularly significant currently.

Notable fallacies: Straw Man, Ad Hominem, Non-Sequiturs abound

*Not appearing in the actual text, but definitely important.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

No title blues

Well my baby loves me truly
but she just can't come round no more
she can't come round no more

can't think of no title for this blog
but I swear this has never happened before
baby, swear it's never happened before

Man ain't nothin' if he can't write - Can I write?
follow me now, see what's in store.
said just read on, who knows what's in store...-

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Thank God! Praise Allah! Cthulhu Phthang!

When I was young and they called me grasshopper, all I wanted was the eternal summer. Never let it end, I would pray to any God or Goddess within earshot (which is most of them). I had brown skin and blonde hair and my feet were tougher than a bear's hide from running across sizzling pitch laden asphalt.

Somewhere along the way I didn't care so much. It must have been when I worked and there was no vacation.

These days I play a different tune. Of course I love summer, the vivacious season bringing adventure and opportunity, but... I want to be back in school

I have missed being in school since the first month away. I have just registered, with departmental permission, for the course Visual Rhetoric. You can see a good argument for that, eh?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Can't wait.

mm. more soon. take care.

langue time

I studied the french language from first grade until twelfth grade, (when I became a high school dropout). It's not that I'm an idiot; I like to blame faults and shortcomings in the educational system for the fact that I can hardly make a relevant sentence in this gorgeous language. I will get back to studying it on my own terms soon.

In grades ten and eleven, part of twelve and for a year at Laurentian, I studied German. I love German. People think it is harsh and ugly sounding, but I insist that it is beautiful. I especially like their terms of endearment. (Compare with French; would you rather be someone's cabbage or their treasure?) - Treasure.

I Should have a decent handle of Spanish by now, though I don't. No offense, Mither, but you were the major influence in my lack of knowledge here. By far, Spanish has the best terms of endearment: mi ciel, mi vida, mi cafe amargo... (^_^) Poetic beyond my abilities! So romantic that even My heart of ice begins to thaw.

I am about to embark on a journey in Russian. My father understands Russian. He also understands White Russian, some Ukrainian, Serbian, Croatian and slowly spoken, enunciated Polish amongst others. I am rather green about his linguistic skill sets. I do speak a smattering of Serbo-Croatian, but it amounts to tourist level or less these days.

My mother is fluent in Finnish and I am downright envious. This is a language I have loved all my life. I can't begin to state why, but perhaps that's for the next entry. I reckon if a young lady were to proposition me in Finnish I'd Have to take it seriously.

I can swear like a sailor in Greek. I also know the names of several foods. Thanks to Stella, Maria, Jimmy, Jimmi and Jimmy at the restaurant for those relevant skills.

As a curiosity, there was a time in my life when I could tell someone to "take an aspirin every three hours" in nearly fifteen different languages. And it came in handy... ;)Though I profess I don't remember most of them.

Language is a thing that I suspect most people don't really choose. It chooses them. Your parents taught you Italian, or Finnish, or Greek, because it's what they spoke before they came here. Yes, they are keeping culture alive, but they are also keeping alive a different way of expressing the world. And that changes the world you will live in.

I once met a guy in Cuba who studied from youth and was fully fluent in no fewer than five languages. That is to say he did work as a translator for his government from time to time. He was learning two extras at the time we met. There are few men I admire as much as Michael Douglas in this world, but Hilario was one of them.

I often wonder how people come to choose what their second language will be. For that matter, what criteria makes a person choose their third language? Fourth? Etc...

French was not a choice for me. I love the language, but I am not sure I would have chosen it. I rather would have preferred Finnish. Nonetheless, I have some basic knowledge and wish to pursue it further. I think of those I chose, the biggest influence may be the cold war. Doesn't that sound stupid? German and Russian. Both have beautiful areas, magnificent and fascinating histories and a special sort of mentality that distinguishes itself. They were both the bad guys in the cold war, well one and a half of them were.

It helps, of course, that they are spoken in geographically diverse areas, by very large numbers of people. On this premise I would like to study Japanese, Chinese (probably Mandarin), Yiddish or Hebrew (likely the latter for academic purposes), Spanish or Portuguese and one of the Dravian languages.

As a reader you must think: "You'll never learn them all, Jay..." and you would be right.


I lost the actual point of this post, so I am replacing it with a request. If you know another language, tell me about it. Speak non-english to me. This works very well if you are using idioms that are region or dialect specific. I will be your best friend if you do...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Permit me to suggest the character of this dramatis persona

Or, I think I have my Hallowe'en costume...

"Voila! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage - no mere veneer of vanity - is a vestige of the vox populi; now vacant, vanished.

However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands Vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.

The only phatic, 'tis vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive (not in vain)for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.

Verily, this vichissoize of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it is my very good honour to meet you and you may call me... 'V'."

(not my words)

enough pissing and moaning, I made it official

7 Aug., 2006

Alison Hood, Director
Communications Dept.,
Huntington University
935 Ramsey Lake Rd.
Sudbury, ON P3E-2C6

Dear Mrs. Hood

I am a recent graduate of the four year Communications Degree at Huntington University. During my time studying in this program, I have noted several points that I feel may be helpful for the staff that guide and facilitate the program. I do not mean to suggest that it is currently being run improperly. I understand the program is new and still developing. I offer the following ideas, thoughts and suggestions only in the hope of advancing the program development. It may well be that everything I include here has already been acknowledged, discussed, even acted on.

Perhaps the most important issue I can discern facing the Ba Communications at Huntington is the serious lack of fourth year courses. If one is considering doing studies at a Masters level, they will require a four year (honours) degree. The studies undertaken in classes referenced as fourth year are an important factor for applications committees when considering whether a candidate for higher learning should gain admission to an advanced or graduate program. Without undergraduate courses like this, degree holders from this program (such as myself) will find themselves denied the advancement they seek.

I am not sure of the feasibility of adding core courses to the Communications Program, but hopefully it is a topic that is getting much attention and favour amongst those who decide the structure of the program. Being inter-disclipinary in nature, the program has the potential to allow students to focus on very specific topics, chosen from a wide variety. At the moment there is not much variety at all. The topics in communications appear to be focused already by the previous experience of the professors. This is not all bad, by any means, though the benefit of more options should be clear. I feel this issue is very pressing.

Both of these concerns can be solved by the creation of courses at the fourth year level. Some topics I feel would be especially beneficial to the program are Advanced Linguistics, Semiotics, Corporate Communication and Comparative International Media examining cultural differences and similarities. I believe that a statistics based course, drawing from the disciplines of sociology, psychology and anthropology should be developed to address concerns in Communications Studies - especially the fact that such background tends to be required for research in many humanities-based master's degree programs. Finally, the issue of topical diversity can be easily addressed by development of courses based on directed readings, advanced individual or group studies and projects, thesis development courses and seminar based courses.

In lieu of an expanded repertory of core courses, a solution to subject limitation might be solved by cross-referencing relevant courses from other programs. Perhaps the multi-disciplinary nature of the program and the cost effectiveness of using pre-existing courses for credit in this degree could be an important factor in increasing the scope of studies. There are several relevant courses already offered by Laurentian University that come to mind: Rhetoric (English Dept.), Film Studies (any, English Dept.), Linguistics (Anthropology Dept.) and of course all modern language courses offer obvious crossovers that would require only slight modification to be perfectly suited for this program. Other courses suggest themselves as well, though the idea has been demonstrated.

Some concerns facing the Communications Program are common to all at Laurentian University. I am thinking of a problem that is quite beyond the administration of any one program in itself. I know now that professors and teachers lament elements of the computer system as much as the students do. Nobody can claim it is any small task to maintain such an extensive network. I mention this in the hopes that if enough students and staff voice this concern together, the issues will have to be acknowledged and corrected.

To whit; the interface has become archaic and ineffective, the content is often erroneous and misguiding and (conversely) omissions of important information occur in various sections of webadvisor. Further, there are frequent server crashes. These are serious deficiencies that affect all users in the Laurentian University community. I do not know whether computer services is under-staffed or under-equipped. Perhaps they are simply under-funded and cannot afford to make necessary system changes. Hopefully support from the community will help to bring them the resources they require and deserve.

Naturally, such factors as time, cost and available resources are restrictive factors in implementing large changes such as I have discussed here. It is foolish to effect change without consideration first. I hope the entire Communications Department will consider the issues mentioned in timely manner.

Most of my classes during this program were informative and well delivered. I have been fortunate to enjoy the guidance of excellent professors. The Communications Program at Huntington has plenty of potential, I look forward to seeing the evolution of an excellent program.

Jason Simac.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Seasonal Obligations to self, (follow my example)

Telling you to follow my example is a little poncy. You will bloody well ignore it anyway if you are so inclined, but at least do the reading:

It occurs to me that the seasons are a Major influence on life up here. I have quite by coincidence run into several people I know on the boardwalk this week. It has been quite pleasant. Have you been down to Ramsey this year?

I ask because I realize that I did not ice skate on Ramsey last year at all. Now I'm sure you realize that winter can kiss my pearly northern ass, But skating and skiing make up for winter's transgressions. By and Large. Ergo, one should get out and Do these things. Me? Not once. Neither activity. Haven't made a snowfort or had a decent snowball fight since I've lived here.

I don't particularly care if I am too old for such behaviour. Anyone who would like to make that suggestion will get a snowball for free, regardless of the current season, I have that power.

So the point I am working towards here is that there are things that match the seasons, which should be accompanied with each season. Here are some:

1) Winter: Skating Ramsey, Skiing - wherever but I guess Adanac, Snowball fight - preferably at School and well timed to include the more lighthearted and libertine profs, cafeteria workers and admin. Some will say Polar Bear dip - if you want to, may I suggest doing it but once, on New Year's Day. Loonies.

2) Spring: Spring Camp Downpour - if you don't get totally drenched you did it wrong, Hike one of the better trails, Low-Temp skinny dipping - also see above.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Educational Solutions for Young and Old.

If you have heard my plight regarding advanced study, which I wish to do, you know that I am between a rock and a hard place. Should I bother to continue? Should I just find work and abandon intellectual pursuits?

Being fairly bloody-minded about things, and refusing to give up, I have found another solution to my problems. In fairness, the director of the MA program to which I was denied entry found this solution. Well, he pointed me in the direction. Enough! Athabasca offers distance education. They offer fourth year courses in Communications Studies. The courses look interesting.

This bodes well. Now my poor unsuspecting parents, whom I visit next week, will have to assist me here. I can get OSAP to re-imburse them, but I need their credit card to get me established with Athabasca.

This news will I break to them when, in a week, I visit their fair city to renew and refresh relations from my too much missed family. Bologna. Hamilton, sorry.

One gets tired of delays. Frustrated. Nonetheless, here I go for an Extra year of it.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Damn straight I've used this title before. If you're looking to discern my state of mind by titles, you can figure with 90% accuracy that when i use the word "attrition" I am digging in for a fight. You can figure that I am developing that sort of dog mentality, that special bloodimindedness that has taken me so far so many times.

It is becoming more and more difficult to find fourth-year courses available to me. Let this be a caveat to anyone in an honours degree program. Philosophy is a no-go. Same with women's studies. Theatre and classics were already out of consideration.

Fuck it! This is frustrating. Furthertheless, course listings are now available to students Exclusively by web-advisor. Fuck.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I don't think this is the first time I've used this title. It likely won't be the last of course, but who likes to admit that?

I was officially turned down today for the MA Humanities Program that I applied for. The director of the program cited two chief reasons: I did not meet the mid-B requirements, but more importantly I have no fourth year courses from which the applications committee could assess my ability to work in this program.

As for the grades, my cumulative GPA is 73.72%, a mere 1.3% under guidelines. Actually, the booklet "School of Graduate Studies" distributed by Laurentian University states the requirement to be "a minimum of B standing in a four-year humanities degree, or equivalent." So it is disappointing to see that amongst its various divisions LU has a problem in communication.

The tone of the letter implied that this 1.3% deficit in GPA was something that the apps committee may have overlooked, if only I had some good showing for the other requirement.

Ironically, the BA Communications at LU offers no fourth-year courses whatsoever and precious few third-year courses. Now the program I sought entry for is multi-disciplinary, so I checked for fourth-year courses in related areas of interest. Classics: no fourth-year courses available. Theatre: no fourth-year courses available. Even the English program has a very restricted set of fourth year courses. Most of them have a minimum of 24 credits (nearly a full year) as pre-requisite. Women's Studies, Philosophy and Religious Studies each have one fourth-year course without listed pre-requisites. So does Geography.

This, too, is rather deceptive. Last year my friend Neil and I registered for a four thousand-level course in Religious Studies with no listed pre-req, only to arrive and be told that we were absolutely Not allowed to take part because of a lack of pre-requisite courses. You can see my dilemma. Essentially, unless you have studied in a field that specifically leads to these upper year courses, you're not going any further.

Now I am not arguing that there should be said upper-level courses. I understand the importance of them for assessment of ability. I suppose I should have intuited that they would be mandatory. I don't know how many courses are required, though I hope to hear back from Program Director Laurence Steven, who has recommended I take some four thousand-level courses to build qualifications. He seems genial, I'm sure he will respond soon.

More than anything, I simply wish to vent my frustration at the fact that, wittingly or not, Laurentian appears to have set up some students for failure. Surely this is not faculty's fault. I have spoken to many members of faculty who have expressed their own frustration with different aspects of administration. Everyone understands the economy of it all; more funding units equals better quarterly reports. Standards must be maintained, however.

Until this resolves, it will be the students who get hosed. If you are a student, (and that's roughly Half the people who read this), be careful. Take nothing for granted at this institution. Plan ahead. Well ahead, and go seek as much information as you can get..........

Friday, July 14, 2006


You all know it. Sympathize with me.

I am waiting Stil for L.U. to tell me whether I am in the program or not.
The cheque cleared last week for processing. I Neeeeeed an answer!

Waiting sucks. You all know it.

Bull Rush

Yes, Mattarazi admits to trash-talking Zidane. I don't like even the phrase trash talking, it seems to take the edge off the viciousness that it contains. If you doubt that, you've likely never been trash-talked. Mattarazi should be fined. I mean this isn't (American) football or Hockey.

HOWEVER (note the raw size of that however), Zidane should be Heavily fined. Thanks for the apologies and all, especially to the kids, that's hunky dory, dude.

Really? Some people theorized that Zidane sensed the game tanking and didn't want to be part of the loss. This is unlikely. Frankly, the longer it went, the more chance France had. I am Amazed that Italy won shootouts, given the fact that France seems to get by on penalty kicks. It was even less likely given Italy's tragic love affair with the crossbar. I was going to yell "Don't pull a Baggio!" but I was at Caruso Club and wanted to leave in one piece.

So what made a normally gentlemanly player lose his mind in the face of an insult? Cuz you must realize it is Not the only time this has occured (i.e. trash-talk).

I think it derives from the fact that France (again) pulled it's only goal off a penalty kick and the Italians, who are only supposed to win if they score early, managed to come back with their own Earned goal. This, combined with the fact that France simply couldn't beat Buffon in regular play must have been an influence, if not a reason.

I never had anything against Zidane. He always seemed likeable,for the Most part (this isn't the first time he's been Ignorantly violent), but that really took the shine off his career. And that made me angry at first, but now it just makes me sad to see someone go out like that.


I have spent the last hour or so (slightly more perhaps) with Vic and his daughter Kahlan. If ALL children could be this cool, I would likely have had some ages ago. Unfortunately most children are Not this cool. Therefore I have spent ages looking for the kind of person that I Want to have children with. There's only one.

Then again, it's probably best to wait until I am Rich. I have no intention of spoiling my child, mind you. I just want to see to it that all eventualities can be covered with ease.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Does it bother any of you who read this that there are no photos?
Does it bother any of you that there is no video?
Does it bother any of you that there is, in fact, no audio even?

I keep toying with the idea. If any of you feel it would Improve your reading experience, let me know and I will begin to make changes.

I am in a computer lab at school. There are folks trying to work here. The woman at the next row of machines has opted to bring in her children, including a crying baby. I call the crying baby "squawky brat."

Maybe that's harsh. There are places and times, though, and I feel no remorse at pointing out that this is Neither.

Quarter Finals

Germany vs. Argentina! I am quite pulling for Germany, however if it is well played I can accept the latter winning.

Italy vs. Ukraine! Ulrich assures me that the Ukes made the last round off a penalty gained by diving. I watched the last game and it was more than made up for. Go Ukraine!

England vs. Portugal! I've never really cared for England one way or the other. I've liked Portugal and Figo is right cool. But: Portugal outstepped reasonable bounds last game. Really really. So I suppose still Portugal but no biggie if England wins.

Brazil vs. France! Give credit where due: France put Spain away in style. They were slick. As previously mentioned though, I've been cheering Brazil since 1978. This will Not be similar to '98, either. At least this time the Brazilian captain will not be stoned out of his gourde.

Ronaldo! Lotsa people don't care for him. Lotsa people mock him. Say what you want, the fact is he just set a World Cup record for most goals scored. Should they beat France, the record will increase and be even harder to beat. Turns out most of the world will have to eat some crow as he really Did have something to contribute.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Jay Update...

The Twelfth Night has run its course and will be no more. I am debating whether to post pictures from it or not. While I think about it, feel free to email for some if you are so inclined.

I have not been writing for a while (seems like a long time). I think I shall do a soccer assessment at the end of the current round (round of 16) which is nearly done now.

Of course I must comment on it a little, so here it is. No big loss with Switzerland out. Their match today against Ukraine was one of the dullest matches I've seen in a while. The commentator said (quite accurately I feel) that it felt like a 'friendly' in pre-cup play. It went to penalty shots after more than 120 minutes. At this point the swisss keeper fell apart. Meh.

I need work. Some of you know this is an eternal struggle for me. I am contemplating going to the Barr Clinic to get breasts - then I will easily score some work at a bar or tavern in this town. Apparently breasts are pre-requisite excepting the rarest circumstances.

If I should have emailed any of you, call or write to kick my ass and it will be along shortly.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Apology and Retraction

from the post "How Latent is That?"

I aplogize for misguiding the reader and slighting America in analysis of Operation Mount and Thrust.
It has been suggested to me that in fact, Canada named the operation when joining it. I would not be surprised if this is true, though I cannot tell you for certain.
I was in general rant against the state of things and got outright sloppy. Sometimes we must re-learn lessons that have already been taught and here's mine: Get the Facts. I operated without them and have been called on it. Thanks to Stephen Falvo for pointing it out.

Overall, the fact that America endures so much slagging for things like foreign policy does Not make this error any more excusable. I promise more diligence in further rants. For the record, my stance changes little, but it is more important to me to be accurate.

Politics are depressing. I don't follow politics like I once did. Same with wars. I am beginning to believe that it really doesn't make a difference. Wars are even more depressing. Politicians making wars for Profit... well, follow the line of thought.

Again: I was wrong and openly say so. For some of you this will null and void any other argument I ever present. For others it will make no difference at all.

P.S. congratulations America. I say this in advance of the fact, but I expect your team to go through to the next round of World Cup play. Good luck with that.

Monday, June 19, 2006

World Cupdate

The following teams are through regardless: Ecuador and Germany, England and Sweden unless T&T can make-up the goal deficit, Argentina and Netherlands, and Brazil.

I have missed a whole series of games as of late and am rather not happy. I Did catch Ukraine making up for the pounding they took from Spain, by giving Saudi Arabia what for. Saudi played with some tenacity I must say, but there it is. I worry about how Ukraine will fair against Tunisia.

Side thought here: there is a book called "the biggest tongue in Tunisia," which I highly suggest, should you ever come across it. In fact, seek it out.

Right, soccer! It is the half between Spain 0 - 1 Tunisia as I write this line. Wouldn't that seriously upset the order of things? Apparently it's Spain been putting all the pressure on.

And with that, I'm outta here for now.
Edit To Add: Spain is through to next round for certain now, following an amazing three goal comeback begining in the 71st minute

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Missed soccer

Not that I've exactly Missed some of these games, but for good form I should be giving you all the info on it. Recently:
Germany 1 - 0 Poland. Apparently the Polish were not too damn happy.
Ecuador 3 -0 Costa Rica. :)
England 2 - 0 Trinidad / Tobago.

Let's make some revision at this point, my fianl take on who progresses and what matches to watch on the way.

Group A: Germany and Ecuador will go through, though Ecuador more impressively. Don't miss the match between these two division toppers, it should be magnificent. I am personally pulling for Ecuador.

Group B: I maintain England and Sweden, but T&T could prove me wrong. That would be pretty cool. England and Sweden duke it out on the 20th; this should be the definitive match of the group.

Group C: I still say Argentina will progress, but I simply will not call the rest yet. It looks like Netherlands at the moment, but that can change... All matches in this group should be good entertainment.

Group D: Mexico and Portugal. Unless Iran can beat Portugal, and with that piss poor showing the other day, it is possible. I like Portugal, but I think Iran has become my one middle east team I like - if they keep it up. Big game? Mexico vs. Portugal.

Group E: Tune in on the 17th to watch Italia dash America's hopes. Also don't miss the Czechs and Italia - I am hoping the Czechs will lead their division. Sorry America and Ghana, don't take it too hard.

Group Ffffffff!: Nothing can stop Brazil from going through. Don't miss any of their games (spot the bias). The only thing that can stop Croatia from going through is if the Socceroos dig deep down and pull off a serious upset. Three points on Japan is one thing, but they will face a different opposition with the rest of their division. Japan, though they have character, well y'know...

Group G: With South Korea leading the division in points right now, I will say there is a chance for them to progress. It is Koreas games that will hold the public i think. I cannot call the rest, except to say that Togo will not go through.

Group H: I originally wanted to see Spain and Ukraine go through. Thanks to the draw between the other two nations, it is still possible. I sat watching the webcast Begging God for a draw. She delivered. Watch Spain and Ukraine.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

How latent is that?

I understand Canada is involved with the U.S. led Operation that is current right now - Operation Mount and Thrust. Oh! Sorry Mountain Thrust. Let's go into those hills and show those dirty Taliban who's boss! (Oooohhhh! You're ssssooooo - dominant! ;) Y'know those Taliban that We put in power a couple years back?

I also understand that there are More reports of torture in camp X-ray. Looks like the U.S. have been a load of hypocrites all the way along. As for the idea of zero tolerance against terrorism, well we knew that was a lie to start, what with their government supporting terror gourps themselves.

What a farce! Holy overt latency, Batman! The parade of compensation just never ends with the government of our southern neighbours, does it?

Mixed Feelings...

Soccer again.
Spain 4 - 0 Ukraine.
Now I have liked the spanish side for a long time. I have often said that I would like to see them take a cup. However, Everyone likes an underdog, especially one who comes in with such a good record. If you don't like underdogs go away now.

That is a fairly crushing defeat. Just remember that Spain has a history in the cup that is unapproachable by the rest of this group. I am really hoping that Ukraine, rebounds, spirits high, and Crushes Tunisia and Saudi Arabia. Hang in there. I am certain they will still go through

A rare side?

Yeah, those last two were reaaaal cute, eh?
We all have our sentimental, silly moments. So I let my guard down.
Prolly won't happen again for quite a while...

Dog Songs (addition to rat songs)

Dog songs occur just as frequently as rat songs. I felt something slightly incomplete at the end of the last entry so here is my favourite dog song. It was written by Nora, a black and white bundle who Proves that Energy really Does equal mass times the square of the speed of light!
(sung to the theme tune from the once popular show 'I dream of Jeannie,')
"I am - I am the puppy
you are -you're not a scientist
you can't - you can't change
my D.N.A!
de dada dada dada
laaaa la
lala la laaala
laaaa la
lala la laaala..."

I would also like to acknowledge Shannon Bart-St. James, possibly one of the greatest purveyors of instant, off the cuff and improvised animal songs ever. Her endearing rhymes for Icky-gnomy-gnomy, Noˇc and Zu-zu have always been the hallmark of fine animal songs.

Rat Songs

Those of you with pets; you all do it. Some of you hide it and some of you share it, but we all speak for our pets. Eventually we make songs based on the perceived characters of our pets. I do it too.

My primary influence has been the rats with whom I have lived. There is a definitive character amongst rats I have known that leans their bardic fervour towards specific topics, namely: Cheeeeeese. Not to slot rats into a specific perception in society, but the fact is they sing a lot about cheese. Kind of like Dwarves singing about gold. "Gold, gold, gold, gold... Gold, gold, gold, gold..." I have read where dwarves in fact love iron more than gold, but it plays merry hell with the meter of their traditionally sung forms.

There is a loose knit sort of format to the typical rat song. It starts off with some lyrics which may even seem poignant, as though leading in to more profound realities, but some kind of cheese will always be mentioned. From there the original concept will be more closely linked with cheese. Invariably, the lyrics eventually devolve to cheese, cheese, cheese, etc...

An excellent example of this is witnessed with the remake of Moby's "We are all made of stars," created by my beloved, bewhiskered rodent roommates a few years back;
"Growing in numbers, growing in cheese
Can't fight the future, you are what you eat
People they eat some cheddar,
People they eat some brie
Noone can stop us now...
So won't ya give us some cheese
Cheese is so cheesy
and I do not mind
surrounded by cheeses
in front and behind
People they eat some cheddar,
People they eat some brie
Noone can stop us now...
So won't ya give us some cheese
Cheese is so filling
I feel cheese in me
Monterey Jack,
Feta and Brie
we are all made of cheese
(we are all made of cheese)
we are all made of cheese
*fade to silence*

You see? The song "Slinky Rat" does not in fact mention cheese anywhere in it. The lyrics are "Slinky Rat, (do doo, doodeleh doo), Slinky Rat (do doo, doodeleh doo) *key change, repeat*" It is the exception to the rule though. I aspire to eventually put together all the rat songs I have heard over the years.

The most recent one has obviously been inspired by World Cup, as all the rats I know have been hearing me chanting in support of my teams. They seem to have adapted the chant as follows:
"aaa loooooot a looot a looot of cheeeeeese,
aaaaa loooot oooof cheeeeese,
aa loooooot a looot a looot of cheeeeeese
aaaa loooot oooof cheeeeese"
If you don't know the original chant, you are sorely out of the loop.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Brazil! on two fronts...

So I will try and keep the beginning brief, but Surprise! Soccer!

Two very likeable teams played today: Brazil played and Croatia, who have been referred to as the 'Brazil of Europe,' played. This was a fun match! Fuuuuuunn-nuh! Yes the favourites in yellow and green won the day. But I cannot say Croatia lost. Both sides played well, with heart and vigour and both sides should be proud of their game.

If this game is the indicator, Japan and the Socceroos simply will not progress. Kind of too bad, as everyone should like the 'roos after that amazing comeback. Nonetheless - Croatia! - Brazil! Pure entertainment. Email me for a more complete description if you are so inclined!

Brazil, on the other front: I was blogstorming recently and came across some cool graphics. They are work examples done by a Brazilian civil engineer. Brazil! So I commented. and a response came. and I commented again. Possibly a new friend in the southern hemisphere...

France, Switzerland, bit of a disappointment but we have certainly seen worse in this cup. It was a good enough lead in to the real sport today.

C'est tout, mes amies. Plus a avenir demain.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Leave Nobody Behind

There are a number of people I have seen very little of lately. Now some of you I Can't see and that makes me sad, but I am thinking of you. Others, I Can see and will soon. Yes I caught my old friend teh Jenner online today briefly. We haven't done anything in months or years possibly.

For those of you I haven't seen in a while, because of my debilitating case of getting too little done (I think it's a mid-life crisis) don't hesitate to get in touch. I will Find time for you. Aside from getting a half decent job, making time for you is my number one summer project.

As for you crazy kids in Toronto and Hamilton, and you Know who you are, I Really miss you! Steve, Agneiszka, Tia, Jon, Anita, Bill, Shannon, Kai & Esme (^_^) When the opportunity presents itself I shall seize it. Just understand that I don't have the recourse to Create the opportunity yet.

aaaaaaand keep yer fingies X'd 4 me, that such a circumstance will change - for these things can turn on a dime and Bang! Next thing you know there's a Jay visiting you!

It comes in threes

Australia faced 84 minutes of Japan without scoring. During this time, The blue samurai had already scored. It was looking bleak. Then in the course of roughly 8 minutes. Aus (aka the Socceroos) pounded the tar out of th poor Japanese with 3 Goals! Ouch! Their next game is with 5 time world cup champions Brazil.

The Czechs played down America today, 3-1. Beautiful scoring there and who can be surprised at the outcome. I, who rarely give America any slack at all, will say this much: somewhere around the 24 minute mark one American made for goal and hit the crossbar. It could have been a Magnificent goal and after watching the replay about a dozen times, I wish it had gone in - not just for the guy who made the play, but for aesthetics in general.

The Azzuri are not even 10 minutes in to playing Ghana. I think this one is a no-brainer... I am looking for Italy to get three goals, even considering their extremely defensive style. If I am right then there will be three sets of three goals.

Edit to Add: My bad. Ita 2 - 0 Gha. Apparently it was a good game to watch. I wouldn't know. Still, if you take the Japan goal and add it to the Azzuri goal, you get three even. So there is simply a fractured symmetry here. Sort of.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Restoring the Sparkle

If this morning's game was somewhat bland, as I have intimated, it was more than made up for with the first match of the afternoon between Mexico and Iran. Excuse me, I started while the match was still on... It's over now and here's my take.

I like Mexico and would love to see them progress. I haven't cared one way or another about any of the Mid-East teams. That said, It was not surprising to see Mexico score first. What was a pleasant surprise was the style and push exhibited by Iran.

Moments after Mexico's first goal (their only goal in the first half), I stated it would be nice to see a 2-1 finish in favour of Mexico. Something about Iran's play made me like them enough to want to see them score. Well score they did, a short time later. I felt very good for both teams.

The second half came to me by webcast, which said "The second half has not, in truth,been of the same quality as the first." Mexico scored twice. Nice. Still, kudos to Iran for a stimulating matching in the first half.

For the people who regularly read this coloumn, I promise something more in my regular vein shortly. Hang in there.


What gets a Jay out of bed at the unsaintly hour of 7:45? World Cup Soccer! If you've read previous posts you should have guessed that. If you know me at all, you should have guessed that.

At 9 a.m. today Serbia Montenegro played against Netherlands. There was good game, but it lacked a certain sparkle I have to say. Netherlands won off a goal around the 20 minute mark from Robben. The guy was definitely player of the match. His single goal, persistence and close shots were entertainment throughout.

Serbia Montenegro played a good defense with spurts of offense, but their main issue was tactical decisions. Their aim, their sense of where to put the ball was off in many instances throughout the match. This is not in reference to hitting the net, but instead in moving the ball to each other.

Both sides played what felt like cautious aggression, which left me feeling a little bland. That's okay, I suppose, as it was their first game.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Fake it for me

Because nobody else ever Has to ;) Just for a short response, pretend you are interested in soccer...

Another one Missed!

I have yet to see a world cup game and it is too damn bad. Of the five that have run, the most recent is being called the best.

Argentina, previous cup winners have just finished playing a match with Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast). The final score is Arg 2-1. Tomorrow promises more great game with my main interest being Serbia Montenegro squaring off with the Netherlands at 9 in the morning. Tune in!

To you whom I should be watching this with: Wish you were here. Sooner or later we Have to catch a match or two together!

Update Soccer...

I can't say it is surprising England won, but nobody saw this coming, in review of the game I missed, it turns out to be because of an Own Goal! Now that sucks hardcore for the poor bastard who did it...

Of course, I love England. I would live there. I love their enthusiasm. but when they Do win they sometimes go overboard on the whole WEEEEEEEEEE Won thing. This is simply an interpretation of the media representation I have seen. I would still live there in a heartbeat.

Nonetheless, sucks for England to have to win by not even scoring the goal themselves! Well I see no gloating about this win yet, so fair play to Blightey.

Trinidad and Tobago was one of those teams that I didn't know much about and so I tried not to call them. HowEver! They drew up close to the Swedes and held the match nil / nil all the way through! That's right,it was a draw. If that isn't impressive enough for a team that's never been to the Cup before, they did this while being down by a man for a good chunk of the second half!

Wow, T&T, I am impressed. Let's all keep watching for these guys, they may a heavy upset. Coming shortly (an hour or so) Argentina vs. Cote d'Ivoire

Friday, June 09, 2006

It's begun...

I reckon I am one of millions who will write on this topic today. I am not doing it for fame, but for the point of dispersing the info to those of you who wouldn't be affected except for reading my chickenscratch.

The FIFA World Cup began today, with host nation Germany playing the first match to Costa Rica. I did not Watch the game, alas, it was not an option. So I am not giving you the big breakdown on it, just relevant facts.

It should be no surprise whatsoever that Germany won. They are coming into this tournament with a heavy popular conception of possible winners (i.e. in My terms contenders against Brazil). Full time of 93 minutes produced a score of 4-2 for the hosts.

I am somewhat happy for Costa Rica in fact, because they did get two goals and I pegged them for merely one. Both of CR's goals came from Wanchope, a player I am not too familiar with yet. Fonseca took a yellow card fairly early on.

Lahm scored first for Germany and Frings scored last. Frings is a name you will hear again, cannot say for Lahm - don't know him too well.
Here is the name to remember for those of you who aren't following too closely: Miroslav Klose. He scored twice for Germany in this game. Four years ago he was being touted as one of the big up and comers. Hopefully he will give us some good viewing.

So there it is! It has begun! Part of me wishes I was in a bigger city for this, but then again it doesn't matter does it? I shall maintain the enthusiasm for All of you who can't be enthusiastic about it.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Look, I guess I have to be the bad guy sometimes so let me do it swiftly: The Ice Has Melted. Hockey is Irrelevant. (not always, but certainly right now).

That said, let us all rejoice in anticipation of the imminent best sporting event in the world!

Giving up on video games

I didn't see this coming. Video games are a comfort thing for me. I take delight in getting good at some of them and then reclude to the sanctuary of them when reality really sucks. Now this process is dying, somehow.

I don't want video games. What I want right now, at this point in my life, is in fact a person and video games would be a small sacrifice. For the curious, it is a specific person, but y'know circumstance gets in the way.

I don't know what to do about it. Goodbye, video games, you were good for a long time, I'm sure you'll always be around. Bye...


...Are ya out there? I know you're there...

Angelo and Erica:

I just want you two to know, (actually I suspect Erica doesn't read this, so I am really writing just for Angelo, though this applies to both of them) I just want you to know that I still read your blogs.

I don't respond because you have to be Xanga to respond and I have forgotten my name and password as far as Xanga is concerned. I am too damned lazy to re-register. I am shameless in my laissez faire attitudes. I am sure you will accept this with all good graces.

Compare Root to Simac on movies...

That's right, this old shack has the same quiz. I love boosting shit from Root. Maybe one day he will even get angry about it. Go over to his blog and compare our answers.

1) What film made you angry, either while watching it or in thinking about it afterward?

Celsius 41.1
Oh! No!
I haven't even seen this Twin (fuckin') Towers movie and I'm right done with it. E! Nuff! Irate!

2) Favorite sidekick

Rosenkrantz in R&G are dead.

3) One of your favorite movie lines

I pick favourite lines out of the film itself, there is no favourite of all films. How could there be? Here's some pretty cool ones though. "Kiss kiss,... Bang bang" or "I can't stand the Stench of lies..." or "Gentleman you can't fight here, this is a warroom!" or "-Fucker!" in response to the line "you're one ugly mother-"... This one is always good: "All those memories will be lost, like tears in the rain" and of course everyone is partial to the scream Lola delivers in the casino which I cannot transcribe even with the IPA at my disposal. Ooh! "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die" or how about "Get on with it!" Prime material this one: "They cut the power! what do ya mean they cut the power? Their just animals man"this goes on and on. just ask for more and I can email you.

4) William Holden or Burt Lancaster?

Burt Lancaster is a person whom we used to make fun of by relating him as someone our parents watched. kind of a film equivalent to "adult contemporary" you follow? What was the question? I don't know: Burt Lancaster.

5) Describe a perfect moment in a movie

Lula and Sailor stop at some little place in the desert. He's inside. At the end of a porch which runs the length of the building sits an old black man on a rocking chair. Lula walks the length of the porch. Lula pauses. The old man acknowledges her existence without words. Lula walks back down the porch. The wind continues to blow.

6) Favorite John Ford movie

I am not goint to IMDB to pretend that I know every director for you. Could we say John Waters instead? Yes? - Pink Flamingoes.

7) What film artist (director, actor, screenwriter, whatever) has the least–deserved good reputation, artistically speaking. And who would you replace him/her with on that pedestal?

Julia Roberts. Same answer as Root. Replace with a brick.

8) Barbara Stanwyck or Ida Lupino?

Ida Lupino, I reckon. Stanwyck was Jeanie wasn't she? Ida Lupino I recognize by namesake and have no clue otherwise. Did the quizwriter try to be somewhat obscure on purpose?

9) Showgirls-- yes or no?

No. I bet most of you thought I would say yes. but I do not. I say no.

10) Most exotic or otherwise unusual place in which you ever saw a movie

40,000 feet above the Caribbean?

11) Favorite Robert Altman movie

See answer 6. And the last of answer 8

12) Best argument for allowing rock stars to participate in the making of movies

Our amps go to 11.

13) Describe a transcendent moment in a film (a moment when you realized a film that just seemed routine or merely interesting before had become become something much more)

Predator elects not to kill Maria whatsername in the subway because she is pregnant and predators don't kill innocents. It hitherto never occured to me that a character like predator could be 'developed.'

14) Gina Gershon or Jennifer Tilly?

Jennifer. I like the name. I don't care otherwise.

15) Favorite Frank Capra movie

Only one I've seen: It's a Wonderful Life. So much as Root said. However, if I hear one more Bad impression of Jimmy Stewart (What's that ya say Mary) I will likely vomit on the person who did it.

16) The scene you most wish you could have witnessed being filmed

When the death star exploded! I wonder what kind of ship they would have given me? An A-wing with a telephoto lens prolly, so's I could get the long shot...

17) Robert Ryan or Richard Widmark?

Enough with this shit. Who cares?

18) Name a movie that inspired you to walk out before it was finished

There have been two in my life. I cannot remember them, not even their names. Thank Heavens.

19) Favorite political movie

Apocalypse Now, or Dr. STrangelove or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb. That one where Will Smith was chased by the NSA or somewhat was decent too. Does Casablanca count? I like old war movies too: A bridge too far, Night of the Generals, Where Eagles Dare and the Dirty Dozen were enjobyable for me.

20) Your favorite movie poster, or the one you’d most like to own

Any of the ones my friend Bill did. I'm not really a poster kind of guy (as anyone who has seen me naked knows...) so I don't really care.

21) Jeff Bridges or Jeff Goldblum?

Goldblum I expect. Why?

22) Favorite Ken Russell movie

Who? what now? I don't fuckin' know.

23) Accepting the conventional wisdom that 1970-1975 marked a golden age of American filmmaking in which artistic ambition and popular acceptance were not mutually exclusive, what for you was this golden age’s high point? (Could be a movie, a trend, the emergence of a star, whatever)

Endless Summer, baby! ooooohhhhh yeah! giggity giggity! - No.
Is that conventional wisdom? I didn't know it was CW. I don't know enough to answer this question with any depth.

24) Grace Kelly or Ava Gardner?

Without a doubt, Grace Kelly. I have been in love with this woman since my parents let stay up to watch Dial M for Murder on Magic Shadows with Elwy Yost. Not sure how old I was but I know I was definitely speaking. Grace Kelly was my Hollywood love before the waif (godblessher) and still stands as a model of perfection that can only be parallelled and never surpassed. When I think of Grace I weep for all the sad sacks in Hollywood these days. She made it truly glamorous. Actually, I think I will just write a separate entry for Princess Grace. yeh yeh Ava's okay, whatever. As if you could put the two beside each other. Stupid fuckin question.

25) With total disregard for whether it would ever actually be considered, even in this age of movie recycling, what film exists that you feel might actually warrant a sequel, or would produce a sequel you’d actually be interested in seeing?

Thelma & Louise: Escape to the Afterlife!
*recovers from laughing fit* k, hold on...
Dead Alive?
hard question...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


The spear of destiny appears on my friend's television. I do not flinch. The cursor disappears to an entirely different field on my screen. I am prepared. The dog chews his slimy rawhide and drops it in my lap. Gross, but no issue.
The mice run across the kitchen floor, the tool shed (with the chainsaws) belches dust and filth, the messenger blinks inanely with distant news of migraines and fine dining. The sky streaks itself pinkish, like a week old gash healing nicely. The coffee drips slowly and prepares to start my day.

I am missing something important, but I won't tell you what it is. Many other things fail to affect me because of this, yet I am optimistic. I have been up too long. I am lethargic and pedantic. I should make it an early night. Tomorrow will be a busy day. A busy day makes a happy Jay. A happy Jay has things to say.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Bongiorno, Avespa!

Mr. Root came over to watch some Izzard the other day. We sat in the doorway while I smoked, for it is not good to smoke in the house. I passed through this same portal I speak of a dozen times that day. Once there was a honkin' big damned flying, stinging insect. I killed the insect and wondered where it came from. Whatever.
Yesterday I opened the door to find out precisely why there have been three wasps in my house in the last week. There is, as some of you psychic types already realized, a paper nest half the size of my fist hanging in my door frame for the world to see and recoil in horror at.
A freakin' Nest in construction! I can hear you all gasping and thinking 'what would I do if it happened to me?' Sit back and I will tell you what I did. First, I thought, I needed a ranged weapon. If any of you have ever gone into hand to hand combat with a wasp (especially a large one) you realize the odds are against you. It's not the sting of course, but the fact that they have six arms. Let me do the math for you: it means you are outgunned three to one just for starting.
I reasoned that if there is poison in the little bugger's tip, then I should retaliate with poison and feel no moral quandary with it. Weapon of Choice (not Christopher Walken) Windex. Yup, cuz it has a significant amount of ammonia in it and ammonia kills well over 99.9% of known lifeforms. Further, one shot in mist form and a flying thing of 3 grams or less will simply drop to the floor and be confused for a moment.
Can't you just see the vicious winged terror getting to (all six of) its knees and pondering: "well I was flying a moment ago..." Yes, that evens the odds plenty I'd say.
It was windex that also comprised the main assault on the wasp outpost, a branch office of Stinging Buggers Inc. Perhaps one day I will find the head office and take my consumer complaints right to them, but likely not. No really, I don't care if you're a wasp, I really don't. Just don't build your house onto mine. Just don't fly in like you own the place. Like the Jehovah's Witnesses have been known to do. Come to think of it, a lot of Them are wasps too, eh?
My longest standing friend Lara Thornton once brought a paper wasp nest to school for show and tell. It was so cool! A little frightening too, though. The nest was about.... two feet tall? Yup.
More on this later... Rehearsal now.

To all of you I haven't been in personal contact with lately, forgive me, it has been a long and hard working week. There have been very early mornings (for me) and extended days (also for me). There has certainly been some fun along the way (all for Me!) (k, mostly for me). Look for Bongiorno, Avespa! part 2.
(the title is Italian for Good Morning, Wasp!, in case you didn't have that figured).

Twelfth Nighty...

I don't know for sure. I haven't looked at the schedule. Stop asking for god's sake! I will post it all here.

Tonight, Thursday, the inimitable Srah (Not a typo) Gartshore will be directing. Satyrdae (Saturday), Ulrich will be directing. Wednesday, next week, Tova will return and we will all be off-book. That is what I know for sure right now. When do we present? See beginning of post for that answer.

Ulrich, I would also like to mention will be the third reference for trying to get into the MA program here. Keep yer fingies X'd 4 J. I am tired and just rambling about miscellaneous shit right now. Sorry. World Cup in slightly more than a week.

WORLD CUP!!!!! Catch the fever, oh you who pledge allegiance to the AJE! Feel the excitement O masters and mistresses of your own destiny! Pump up the jam, you super-freaks!