Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Apology and Retraction

from the post "How Latent is That?"

I aplogize for misguiding the reader and slighting America in analysis of Operation Mount and Thrust.
It has been suggested to me that in fact, Canada named the operation when joining it. I would not be surprised if this is true, though I cannot tell you for certain.
I was in general rant against the state of things and got outright sloppy. Sometimes we must re-learn lessons that have already been taught and here's mine: Get the Facts. I operated without them and have been called on it. Thanks to Stephen Falvo for pointing it out.

Overall, the fact that America endures so much slagging for things like foreign policy does Not make this error any more excusable. I promise more diligence in further rants. For the record, my stance changes little, but it is more important to me to be accurate.

Politics are depressing. I don't follow politics like I once did. Same with wars. I am beginning to believe that it really doesn't make a difference. Wars are even more depressing. Politicians making wars for Profit... well, follow the line of thought.

Again: I was wrong and openly say so. For some of you this will null and void any other argument I ever present. For others it will make no difference at all.

P.S. congratulations America. I say this in advance of the fact, but I expect your team to go through to the next round of World Cup play. Good luck with that.


Victor Kivisto said...


Goonius said...

Go Zee Germans!!