Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Dog Songs (addition to rat songs)

Dog songs occur just as frequently as rat songs. I felt something slightly incomplete at the end of the last entry so here is my favourite dog song. It was written by Nora, a black and white bundle who Proves that Energy really Does equal mass times the square of the speed of light!
(sung to the theme tune from the once popular show 'I dream of Jeannie,')
"I am - I am the puppy
you are -you're not a scientist
you can't - you can't change
my D.N.A!
de dada dada dada
laaaa la
lala la laaala
laaaa la
lala la laaala..."

I would also like to acknowledge Shannon Bart-St. James, possibly one of the greatest purveyors of instant, off the cuff and improvised animal songs ever. Her endearing rhymes for Icky-gnomy-gnomy, Noˇc and Zu-zu have always been the hallmark of fine animal songs.

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