Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Compare Root to Simac on movies...

That's right, this old shack has the same quiz. I love boosting shit from Root. Maybe one day he will even get angry about it. Go over to his blog and compare our answers.

1) What film made you angry, either while watching it or in thinking about it afterward?

Celsius 41.1
Oh! No!
I haven't even seen this Twin (fuckin') Towers movie and I'm right done with it. E! Nuff! Irate!

2) Favorite sidekick

Rosenkrantz in R&G are dead.

3) One of your favorite movie lines

I pick favourite lines out of the film itself, there is no favourite of all films. How could there be? Here's some pretty cool ones though. "Kiss kiss,... Bang bang" or "I can't stand the Stench of lies..." or "Gentleman you can't fight here, this is a warroom!" or "-Fucker!" in response to the line "you're one ugly mother-"... This one is always good: "All those memories will be lost, like tears in the rain" and of course everyone is partial to the scream Lola delivers in the casino which I cannot transcribe even with the IPA at my disposal. Ooh! "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die" or how about "Get on with it!" Prime material this one: "They cut the power! what do ya mean they cut the power? Their just animals man"this goes on and on. just ask for more and I can email you.

4) William Holden or Burt Lancaster?

Burt Lancaster is a person whom we used to make fun of by relating him as someone our parents watched. kind of a film equivalent to "adult contemporary" you follow? What was the question? I don't know: Burt Lancaster.

5) Describe a perfect moment in a movie

Lula and Sailor stop at some little place in the desert. He's inside. At the end of a porch which runs the length of the building sits an old black man on a rocking chair. Lula walks the length of the porch. Lula pauses. The old man acknowledges her existence without words. Lula walks back down the porch. The wind continues to blow.

6) Favorite John Ford movie

I am not goint to IMDB to pretend that I know every director for you. Could we say John Waters instead? Yes? - Pink Flamingoes.

7) What film artist (director, actor, screenwriter, whatever) has the least–deserved good reputation, artistically speaking. And who would you replace him/her with on that pedestal?

Julia Roberts. Same answer as Root. Replace with a brick.

8) Barbara Stanwyck or Ida Lupino?

Ida Lupino, I reckon. Stanwyck was Jeanie wasn't she? Ida Lupino I recognize by namesake and have no clue otherwise. Did the quizwriter try to be somewhat obscure on purpose?

9) Showgirls-- yes or no?

No. I bet most of you thought I would say yes. but I do not. I say no.

10) Most exotic or otherwise unusual place in which you ever saw a movie

40,000 feet above the Caribbean?

11) Favorite Robert Altman movie

See answer 6. And the last of answer 8

12) Best argument for allowing rock stars to participate in the making of movies

Our amps go to 11.

13) Describe a transcendent moment in a film (a moment when you realized a film that just seemed routine or merely interesting before had become become something much more)

Predator elects not to kill Maria whatsername in the subway because she is pregnant and predators don't kill innocents. It hitherto never occured to me that a character like predator could be 'developed.'

14) Gina Gershon or Jennifer Tilly?

Jennifer. I like the name. I don't care otherwise.

15) Favorite Frank Capra movie

Only one I've seen: It's a Wonderful Life. So much as Root said. However, if I hear one more Bad impression of Jimmy Stewart (What's that ya say Mary) I will likely vomit on the person who did it.

16) The scene you most wish you could have witnessed being filmed

When the death star exploded! I wonder what kind of ship they would have given me? An A-wing with a telephoto lens prolly, so's I could get the long shot...

17) Robert Ryan or Richard Widmark?

Enough with this shit. Who cares?

18) Name a movie that inspired you to walk out before it was finished

There have been two in my life. I cannot remember them, not even their names. Thank Heavens.

19) Favorite political movie

Apocalypse Now, or Dr. STrangelove or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb. That one where Will Smith was chased by the NSA or somewhat was decent too. Does Casablanca count? I like old war movies too: A bridge too far, Night of the Generals, Where Eagles Dare and the Dirty Dozen were enjobyable for me.

20) Your favorite movie poster, or the one you’d most like to own

Any of the ones my friend Bill did. I'm not really a poster kind of guy (as anyone who has seen me naked knows...) so I don't really care.

21) Jeff Bridges or Jeff Goldblum?

Goldblum I expect. Why?

22) Favorite Ken Russell movie

Who? what now? I don't fuckin' know.

23) Accepting the conventional wisdom that 1970-1975 marked a golden age of American filmmaking in which artistic ambition and popular acceptance were not mutually exclusive, what for you was this golden age’s high point? (Could be a movie, a trend, the emergence of a star, whatever)

Endless Summer, baby! ooooohhhhh yeah! giggity giggity! - No.
Is that conventional wisdom? I didn't know it was CW. I don't know enough to answer this question with any depth.

24) Grace Kelly or Ava Gardner?

Without a doubt, Grace Kelly. I have been in love with this woman since my parents let stay up to watch Dial M for Murder on Magic Shadows with Elwy Yost. Not sure how old I was but I know I was definitely speaking. Grace Kelly was my Hollywood love before the waif (godblessher) and still stands as a model of perfection that can only be parallelled and never surpassed. When I think of Grace I weep for all the sad sacks in Hollywood these days. She made it truly glamorous. Actually, I think I will just write a separate entry for Princess Grace. yeh yeh Ava's okay, whatever. As if you could put the two beside each other. Stupid fuckin question.

25) With total disregard for whether it would ever actually be considered, even in this age of movie recycling, what film exists that you feel might actually warrant a sequel, or would produce a sequel you’d actually be interested in seeing?

Thelma & Louise: Escape to the Afterlife!
*recovers from laughing fit* k, hold on...
Dead Alive?
hard question...

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