Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Brazil! on two fronts...

So I will try and keep the beginning brief, but Surprise! Soccer!

Two very likeable teams played today: Brazil played and Croatia, who have been referred to as the 'Brazil of Europe,' played. This was a fun match! Fuuuuuunn-nuh! Yes the favourites in yellow and green won the day. But I cannot say Croatia lost. Both sides played well, with heart and vigour and both sides should be proud of their game.

If this game is the indicator, Japan and the Socceroos simply will not progress. Kind of too bad, as everyone should like the 'roos after that amazing comeback. Nonetheless - Croatia! - Brazil! Pure entertainment. Email me for a more complete description if you are so inclined!

Brazil, on the other front: I was blogstorming recently and came across some cool graphics. They are work examples done by a Brazilian civil engineer. Brazil! So I commented. and a response came. and I commented again. Possibly a new friend in the southern hemisphere...

France, Switzerland, bit of a disappointment but we have certainly seen worse in this cup. It was a good enough lead in to the real sport today.

C'est tout, mes amies. Plus a avenir demain.

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