Friday, July 28, 2006

Educational Solutions for Young and Old.

If you have heard my plight regarding advanced study, which I wish to do, you know that I am between a rock and a hard place. Should I bother to continue? Should I just find work and abandon intellectual pursuits?

Being fairly bloody-minded about things, and refusing to give up, I have found another solution to my problems. In fairness, the director of the MA program to which I was denied entry found this solution. Well, he pointed me in the direction. Enough! Athabasca offers distance education. They offer fourth year courses in Communications Studies. The courses look interesting.

This bodes well. Now my poor unsuspecting parents, whom I visit next week, will have to assist me here. I can get OSAP to re-imburse them, but I need their credit card to get me established with Athabasca.

This news will I break to them when, in a week, I visit their fair city to renew and refresh relations from my too much missed family. Bologna. Hamilton, sorry.

One gets tired of delays. Frustrated. Nonetheless, here I go for an Extra year of it.


Liz said...

Hi Jay. It's been a while (sorry). Good for you sticking with it! I have recently found a similar dilema in my quest for higher education. Stupid LU.
Good luck in the pursuit, perhaps I will join you in the pursuit of mastering the arts, should I find a similar solution!

SimAC said...

get things done?
why don't I have a job again?