Monday, October 02, 2006

Not just another manic Monday.

Not Manic at all, o commanders of the faithful, but instead very pleasant and rather relaxing. So here are the major concerns, along with their status.

Convocation. Well on my way. The final hurdle is being hurdled as we speak. My prof from up the hill at Huntington is helping to keep me on track. Just one more reason to suggest taking her classes. So at the end of the month, my poor immigrant parents will be able to attend my Grad.

OSAP. I have to register a three credit (i.e. half year) course, to upgrade to full time studenthood. I am currently most interested in Engl 2827, documentary film-making, but it doesn't appear to be offered. For further commentary on this issue, see previous blogs relating to school and administration.

I listened to my Happy music and had a cool discussion with a co-ordinator of Sudbury Transit. (see next blog).

Then I left school, while my friend's jump drive (which I borrowed) was still in the computer in the lab. A quick but pleasant jot over to the Uni and I had it back in my hot little mitts. Kinda restores your faith in people not stealing stuff, eh?

Dinner was a delish chili, made by Virginia. Chris was along for dinner as well. As we digested, Verge fought terror, Chris Limewired the new Rammstein and I chatted online with Verge's friend Lisa. Lisa is outgoing and fun, we've chatted before - it's time well spent.

I'm just thinking how nicely a cig would finish this evening... mmmm cigs!

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