Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Distractions, distractions...

Sure, sure, I promised earlier that I would have already reached my 200th post. Well I was wrong. I, like so much of the world, have been on FaceBook lately.

Let's start with FaceBook, shall we? It really is a convenience somehow and yet I loathe that site. There are so many little applets that people always nag with. What a pain in the ass! But then I don't want to be rude, these people are nagging cuz they care and it's a form of interaction. And I love these people! They can't All give me a call. I suppose I love the pain in the neck applets for the intention behind them.

Now Blogger and ƒB are different utilities and I realize that I Miss Blogger. I like the idea of having content control as opposed to - ƒB who Claim content rights. Let me say that again. FaceBook claims content rights in their EULA. Some people have figured this out and I expect it is the prime reason I hear "I'm getting off facebook." Good for you. To everyone else: you best start thinking twice about that stuff. Don't put anything important on it. And for Chrissakes how can you Not know that you are being DataMined?!?! So for the Love Whatever you most want to be loved By, Get in there and LIE! Lie, Lie, Lie and fuck with those Marketers!

I suppose the unilateral-ity of Blogger is also a bonus I appreciate, which I wouldn't have cottoned to unless I read a friend's blog today. Well, associate really, I spent a long time suspecting this person didn't like me at all. A link will show up in the side bar soon, in case you trust my judgements.

1 comment:

VG said...

Right on, brother! I hates those apps!