Tuesday, July 01, 2008

At home, at work, at play

First off, Congratulations to Spain for making it all the way through and taking the EuroCup. I didn't see the goal (it was 1-0 at full time). In fact I only caught the last two minutes of the game because of a play I performed in.

I have been avoiding writing again for a little while. That is to say I wanted to get to it, but probably 'later.' The play is over, though, and a few things will change subtly and so perhaps it is time to get back to typing.
A Midsummer Night's Dream ran for a grand total of four performances and we always end up asking ourselves why not double the run? Whatever. I will Not say this was a smooth run. Elements of it were smooth, but some parts were outright prickly and stupid. They say it doesn't help to concentrate on the negative, but I am saying this now to get it out of my system so it can be done forever. Nonetheless it was fun overall. I would do it again. Next time as Puck.

Separate topic. I've started work at the Office Bistro. I hope they will not schedule me tomorrow, but then go ahead and schedule me for the rest of the time they are open. I have a good feeling about this place. Of course, I need to make lots of money very quickly, too. Cuz I shall have to move soon.

This place of mine is .... a perpetual mess. Short of constant effort, this is how it will remain. It's slowly getting to me. I have tried to put the point across, but I am guessing I shall have to be Blunt. I am further guessing that will only be successful for a short time. Why do people make other people have to be blunt and unpleasant?
Soon enough it won't matter, of course, because I will flee the country! Another home, far away...

And there it is: for those of you who knnow me, you know I like to write about things in threes. Todays theme "at work, at home, at play" was boosted from a song by Sparks, which is playing right now in my messy damn house

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