Tuesday, November 18, 2008

measure for measure...

I was informed tonight that there is no such thing as a "half" of beer. The reference being to pints. There is, I am told, no such thing as a half-pint - "it doesn't exist."
Strange how the nomenclature has existed for so long, then, but other examples are out there.

Oh thanks, though, for enlightening me, with disdain I might add - Disdain in your Voice, to Me - that I was apparently deluded (and smelled bad?) beyond reason. Where, oh Where did such an idiotic notion come from?

"it doesn't exist."

For the edification of those who may come across the term, there IS in fact such a thing as a half-pint. The reference differentiates between an imperial pint which is 20 oz as compared to an american pint which is 16 oz. The "half" is roughly 10 oz. I say roughly because I'm not dead sure it's British in origin, though that's where I think I picked the phrase up: "Give us a half of Spitfire, Jimmy." Whatever.

I am deeply concerned about the state of the dram, incidentally. It may not have existed for a little while now. I'm fairly sure the jigger and nip are still intact, though the latter hasn't been heard around here for a while. In fact, god help us, there may be no 'ounce' at all soon and then we're totally screwed! How awkward would it be to stroll into a bar and ask for a "30 of Jack," (30 ml being the rough equivalent of an ounce (standard shot).

Hey, I Like metric. Metric is Good, but there are a few last bastions where the old ways should be maintained. Not for the sake of resisting change. Not even because of "tradition," no.

In the case of alcohol, I would suggest that the salient reason for leaving metric behind is that there is a separate culture. Bar culture, Cafe culture, Club culture - as well as stylish parties everywhere, are connected. Their existance is for taking us out of the daily grind of life. The more encompassing their embrace, the more successful they will be.

Standardization is an incredible technology, but the name says it all "Standard." Yes, Imperial measures are a form of standardization, nobody is arguing that. The fact is that they are uncommon enough to not Feel standard. That is why a jigger of vodka, a measure of cointreau and a splash of lime still make a Cosmo so great. Otherwise it's just booze swished together.

User defined values, of course. For some, cocktails are just a way to get drunk. Personally, though, I want the fun. If you agree, then head to a bar for a nice glass of liquor and tell the barkeep to 'pony up.'

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