Sunday, December 07, 2008

to Framboise, somewhere in America

I suppose I'm thanking you, albeit in a backhanded way, by writing this. Your words describe somethig very close to what I was feeling. At some point. I wouldn't tell you or anybody else the specifics anyway, and that would be so besides the point.

It's never exact, is it? It seems to me that perhaps nobody ever feels Exactly the same thing, between two or more of us. Sometimes that makes it easier, doesn't it? Not quite like being alone. Then again it's also a reminder that we will always be just that. After all...

If that's all we have to connect on, then it's happened spectacularly. And quietly.

I come back over and again for the sentiments you sublimate to writing that make me feel - at least someone else has been through similar... if not the same

well anyway, thanks. You express yourself with a unique eloquence

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