Thursday, May 19, 2005

If only Bjork could see this...

There is a show called "Isobel" that ran last night for its second time. It is the brainchild of Jenny Hazelton, but it was inspired by the music of the amazing Icelandic artist mentioned in the title.

Jenny brought together a series of songs by Björk and wove them into a storyline that describes the genesis of Isobel, her creation of the world and its subsequent destruction by overzealous, greedy, stupid humanity. Having lit the theatre in nothing but blacklight, Hazelton populated the stage with more than a hundred puppets that she made herself. She brought together an amazing group of performers (best I've worked with!) and choreographed the show.

For a more thorough description of this show I reference wherein Andrew Root provides details. By all means check that article out! What I want to say now is simpler, and has been said before.

I remember hearing a live version of a song by the SugarCubes back when Björk was their lead. At one point she screamed like an enraged child and I was so fascinated by her. As time went on I have been continually impressed with this Icelandic wonder. One of the things that has been so wondrous about her through the years is that she seems to Always have a child-like fascination and appreciation for the world around her (so I see in video, interviews, etc...). It is an exceedingly rare thing and when I am getting down on the world it is often Björk that I turn to so that I keep even keel. From discussion, I know that Jenny feels the same - and here's why I am writing at this moment.

I wish Björk could have seen the show we put on tonight, because I know she would have loved it. It is a great thing for an artist to know that they have inspired others. Beyond that I am sure she would have revelled in watching the story, presented with Jenny's genius behind it, as did the 160 children that we played to tonight.

There is a DVD of the first performance which I am preparing here at home, but I wouldn't know how to send it to Björk and even if I could, it's not the same as seeing it live...

Björk, if you ever read this give me a response and we will mount the show again just for you (^_^)

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