Monday, May 09, 2005

Pound it out...

Having deleted two blogs already, I wonder if there is any sense in starting another. There is something fascinating about having one's words available to the world for no other reason than to be heard. - I lie, of course, there is another reason. This one is simple. Sometimes it happens that one faces a huge block and cannot seem to write anything good to save one's life. How frustrating.

I don't like to sound vindictive, but truth is I am glad that I am not the only one this happens to. (The suffering seems so reduced when I watch others twist in the wind with me). At any rate, the best thing for it was pushed on me by my editor (whose name is Ed), during my practicum at the Star. He told me to just pound out any old crap. Stories, shopping lists, even the things you most want to tell a hated authority figure. Turn your mind off and do not worry about which words come or how much sense they make.

This area is going to be where I do just that. Normally I don't believe in leaving what may essentially be very low-grade content strewn about the mediascape. There are two reasons I am willing to in this case. First off, I have noticed that every so often I am inspired by the most common, plain or banal things. If it can happen to me, I reckon, then it can happen to others (just like the damn block). Secondly, it is worth considering that at least statistically, sooner or later, a mountain of soot will produce a diamond. So be it.

If you end up reading any of this and in any way enjoy it - well, cheers! Feel free to comment. Same goes if you don't like it, although in all fairness; You were warned.

Cheers, Ed!

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