Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A Tinkers Damn

I have been tinkering with a few things here in Simacia. First thing the astute reader will notice is that I have finally removed the links to Pot'O'Gold Theatre. I assure you all that PoGT is Not dead, just on hiatus for retooling. It is in my judgement, better suited for a different medium.

Gone too is I believe I may well start another site like it later when I have a more coherent setting prepared. It served its purpose. Replacing Verified and PoGT is a link to a blog from Amanda. She keeps parrots and has studied linguistics, so she is okay in my book. Further, she has a developing interest in Herpetoculture, so she is likely getting cooler as she goes. Time will tell.

Amanda: if you do not like the title you get in my sidebar I can change it. Let me know soon though, as I am tectonically slow at making these changes. I don't know why you are instructed to avoid the Iraq issue. I am thinking I may spew a few things about it. I used to really like debate, but that is a while back.

Everybody! I am planning to abduct the lone Root to pre-record a series of episodes of Bat Scratch Rhyme. Now, he may resist abduction, so don't get all worked up about this, keep your line on the reel and we will give further notice soon. I promise that all your favourites; Ol' Wanup, Uncle Wopping Cat, Mr. Root, Ol' Shoestring Simac, Sweet Leppy Hazelnut and all the Ol' Howndogs will be right there, as well as the Bat Scratch Rhyme Band featuring Barbeque Baby Backrib, Rattlesnake Plantain and Big Mama Wattleboot.

Now, I am hoping that I haven't thus far lost anybody's interest. Finally, I want to implore Magbarraig to Post and Post and Post. Please Mag? If I see 3 posts on your site, I will link it right at the top of my links coloumn! Right at the Top!


Mandora the Explorer said...

In answer to all of the above:

I have more than a developing interest in herpetoculture - I've had lizards for years... the snakes are new. :) And I'll keep you posted about new additions. Incidentally, if anyone is interested in leopard geckos, ours had a few too many babies this year, and we're over-run. Free geckos to anyone interested.

Second, I don't mind the link title - I AM a parrot keeper, so that's fair. I didn't know what to title you as on my blog, so if you don't like your title, I'll change it. :)

Third, I was instructed by one of my debate league-ers to not touch the Iraq issue until after Xmas because it was too heated. I'll be doing a good Iraq debate after the new year, don't worry. You're more than welcome to participate! :)

ps - It's not become anymore obvious what the obvious thing was that was becoming more obvious. (unless I already guessed it a few posts ago... I believe it was obvious from day one, but hey, I've been wrong before)

SimAC said...

what did you guess now?
ehhh a few posts ago?

Mandora the Explorer said...

I made reference to what I believed to be a clue in a previous post - to which you called me 'Crazy. Crazy!'

Which is why I suggest that I 'could' be wrong.

SimAC said...

dinna pick up on it...
ergo you could be right; you could be wrong...

Mandora the Explorer said...

Well, I hazard to suggest that I'm right. My spidey sense is tingling.