Thursday, January 11, 2007

Intro to Jill and apology to my Jills

You may know that Stella left us a little while ago. Shed a tear, take a drink. Currently, there is a new girl living with Penelope and myself. Her name is Jill. I can't see where the three girls named Jill that I have been friends with will be flattered by having a rat named after them, so I will qualify it a little.

As I say, I have personally known three Jills. Each of them are fun, funny, intelligent, saucy, good looking, sociable, capable people (and other good traits). They are all these things, yet all these things are expressed differently by the different Jills.

When I decide to bring another person or animal into my life, I hope to shape them somewhat. In the case of my new rat roommate, I thought it would be nice to have someone similar to my Jill friends around. (I rarely see any of the human Jills). So there, in a nutshell, is my mentality. I hope no Jill anywhere is offended.

Jill is a fancy rat. She is slightly hooded with a greyish caramel colour. In fact she looks plenty like Penelope but younger; the colour hasn't taken yet. My newest roommate has yet to learn when food is being offered and subsequently comes off as very friendly, trying to hold your hand instead of bite it like food. She is fairly high energy - she climbs the walls but not the ceiling and as yet no acrobatics.


1 comment:

Mandora the Explorer said...

congratulations on your new addition. :)