Wednesday, January 31, 2007


The triple X represents extreme sexuality. The V represents victory. Funny, but I expect neither of these things to figure into my day at all. Of course taken together, we have the roman numerals for 35. I am officially middle-age.

I Feel Like I am 19! Sure, plenty of readers here in Simacia, have heard this before. But How does one account for this discrepancy? Do you all really understand the problems presented? I am unresolved. I am unable to resolve. I'm not complaining. I look around and see many people my age who are miserable (relatively). Or maybe I just surmise that I enjoy life more than they. Perhaps they've reached their apex, while in many ways I am still coming into my stride.

It is a little ridiculous to be coming into your stride at half-life. Anyways, I often act like a kid and in some ways I Refuse to give it up.

...uhhhhmmmm. Mmmmhm. There was a sort of semi-squishy introspective point I was leading up to here. It was going to be uplifting and wise like your grandmother would have told you. Y'know? But dammit, it's gone. So:

Rock On! Go out and celebrate my existance! Doesn't matter if you see me or not - Just go out and have a wikkid cool time some point this week. And think of me when you do


ElastiZombie said...

Happy Birthday, you old Fart! I'm gonna go out this weekend and get totally pissed and puke on my shoes in your honour! 'Cause I don't do that every weekend. No sir. ;>

VG said...

Let's celebrate over Wii and beer.