Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Belated, but sincere

This is bound to confuse some, but mostly religious studies students so I am not overly concerned.

It Is Ash Wednesday Today. I know I know, you're thinking "teh hayyyylll it is" but I insist.

This is so because even though I saw her online, I didn't cotton to the idea that it was my friend's birthday yesterday. Now, some friends one can simply appreciate, but some should be celebrated and certainly Lil' Poiple Ash is in the latter group.

It's the razor sharp mind, quick ready laughter, hair ruffling goodness, intense intoxicating beauty, common sense, uncommon vision and overall genius of this young lady that make me think "I am right lucky to have been introduced to Ash."

She will likely never read this, but for those of you who do, remember her name and how I called it: she will be the next woman Prime Minister.

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