Saturday, April 15, 2006

Remember Remember the 5th of November

I want to make a quick note about Guy Fawkes, for he may be relevant to some of you. In Britain as in most modern countries, there is a fireworks day. The Brits don't call it fireworks day, Britain day, Independance day, or any of this, oh no!

You see, some time back a fellow named Guy Fawkes smuggled several (many) tons of explosives into the basement of the British Parliament and planned to blast 'em all to Kingdom Come. He was discovered the day before he carried out this act.

Now when the brits do pyrotechnics it is on Guy Fawkes Day. Kudos to you Britain. And as for the spin and shit that American interests are going to look to put on a story like this: Shame, shame on you, you vicious twerps.

Now. I am told that the film "V for Vendetta" was banned in the United States! I cannot confirm this. I wouldn't be surprised. I have read a number of right wing rants about the film: "oh leftist claptrap, blah blah blah." To those I say this - you fascist idiots! You sooooo missed the point and there is just no fucking helping you. Fascists. Wake up and smell the coffee, the writing is on the wall, you're blind and ignorant. ahhh t'hell with ya, You deserve what you get.

Now go see the film V for Vendetta and remember, remeber the fifth of November!

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