Tuesday, July 05, 2005


I know I am not alone on this; you turn around for a month or two and there is a tidal wave of accumulated stuff in your house. I am the type that can let it overwhelm me, so I have had to build some defensive manouevres against it. The prime weapon in the battle against accumulation is moving.

It doesn't matter if it is Me moving, or my roommates all leaving. In this case it is the exodus of all roommates. There were three of us and we were storing for two separate people. Soon the last of them will arrive to pick up their stuff. The last is Ami, an ex-girlfriend, so I know exactly what is hers and what can be thrown out. Ironic, I guess, that she is the first and the last, seeing as I originally took this place with her. Wonder how she's doing...

Meh. I currently have two full blue boxes of recycling in the back room, with four full garbage bags of stuff. I expect to have two more bags full in the next two days. The vacuum cleaner desperately needs a new bag, too. It will all be gone soon.

The sense of satisfaction is strange. Contentment, a new slate. I am getting used to clean slates. I am getting used to recreating myself after each move, after each paring down of what goes and what stays, after minimizing... again.

This process is one of the reasons that I love the digital technology that infests my life. The computer will soon hold four years worth of University and College notes. As soon as I have an iPod, it will be crammed with music that I will no longer have to clutter the house with.

This place may turn out to be too large for me...
but then I don't think I want a roommate. Perhaps I will just strive to have people over all the time. Maybe I should get some part-time lovers. Luvahhh.

(^_^) I'm sure more will come later...

1 comment:

SimAC said...

Never intended to, actually. I Was going to overhaul it, which it Desperately needs, but could it be that you will be taking it with you after your next visit?