Monday, July 04, 2005


In one week my home internet is going down. I cannot say how long before that situation is resolved. It Should have gone down two days ago, actually, but for the grace of my favourite roommate, who knows it is my electrical umbilicus - Gods bless you, Steph, thanks.

So best intentions say that I should write my little fingers to the bone in the next week, but deep down, in my heart of gold which most of you will never see, I know that I will not write as much as I should or would like to.

I woke at half past twelve today. That's not good. This student's lifestyle has adapted me to extremely late nights, (so late that they are often mornings when they finish), a way of life that I am already too prone to as it stands. This too is not good. You see, I'm night people. I Like the day. I like mornings, but I am only meant to see them by staying awake that long.

It has to change. I have to change a whole series of things. I am not fearful of this, but I do realize that it is going to take a big effort. Sometimes I feel too old for this kind of thing. I am sure it will be fine later, but as I sit here now, I feel as though I were Hundreds of years old. It would be much appreciated if someone were to comment that I am not alone on this.

I am thinking that two jobs are going to be needed to get through the summer. I am thinking that a vehicle will be needed to get through the rest of my time in the Suds. I am thinking there is a young lady out there who could make the rest of my time here Wonderful if only we could be a little closer, but I am Knowing that can't be. I am at ease with the fact that it can't be and I am grateful for what time I do get with her, (very little).

I am trying to institute the required changes, but reality is resisting. I am frustrated by resistance, but I am pushing harder because of it. I am going off to push right now...

1 comment:

SimAC said...

yyyyeeeess. ...-_^