Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Sudburia Underground

The Army of Jovial Evil has gone underground. Not because we need to, just because we thought it would be fun during the summer heat aaaaand it is always a good marketing / recruiting tool.

That's right, insurgents are holed up in nondescript suburbs of the Sudburia. Here am I, having come to hold council with my generals - who are now in bed just behind me. I believe that They believe I am oblivious to them as I write this, and they are getting it on less than four feet from where I sit, yea, even as you read this. They are like Rabbits!

Here is the skinny on these blogs, while the AJE brass is out of his own internet connection:

1) The Pot'o'gold Theatre is being removed from the net. This may well be permanent. Nobody will cry as only three of you have ever read it. Frankly, this is the wrong milieu for POGT. I am continuing to develop POTG and there may be a post on Simacia regarding further developments.

2) The blog "Verified," aka "Disinformation" will be removed from the net entirely. It currently lacks the intellectual molition* required to carry it through to its original concept. Verified is by no means over with. It will return in a different format later on. It will be witty and vitriolic. It will be rather extremely political. If Anybody cared at all about Disinformation, by all means let me know, it would be interesting to hear about it. It will reappear regardless of feedback.

Now, it is likely that those reading this will not be familiar with the AJE (Army of Jovial Evil). Indeed many of those who are already recruited do not know of it. It is high time you signed on, though, as there is much work to accomplish.

Simply get information to me telling me Name, Age, Location, Areas of Expertise, Interests and the nature of the evils that you prefer (Carnal, Ontological, Dental, Seminal, etc...) A photograph is also required for records. There are all sorts of positions available with the AJE, ranging from Logistics and Command to Field Agents to specialty advisory capacities. Get Involved. Contact at or

Now, I go to decommision those sites as though they were rotting nuclear subs in Archangel...

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