Thursday, March 02, 2006

A new friend

I stopped at Buddha today for to have me some coffee and that delicious ham and brie sammich. Don't correct me, it Is Sammich, end of story. I occaisionally go to Buddha hoping to catch up with Teh Jenner, who was not working today. So beside sat a young lady with an SGA calendar, which told me we go to the same school.

"What program are you in?" I asked. She answered. We kept on chatting. It turns out that she is in Ulrich's german class, which offered plenty of opportunity for further discussion. Soon she asked my name, and I told her. I asked hers and it turned out I knew who she was (and she was rather taken aback at How I knew, but that's neither here nor there now).

Once again I am asking myself (redundantly of course), these seemingly but not really philosophical questions like: "What strange web of coincidence guides the lives we live?" I stopped in to see a friend and by chance gain a new one instead! Now, Someone out there knows the extent of this coincidence, and hopefully the rest of you have experienced similar.

I like this type of occasion, it makes me feel comfortable with life. It makes me feel that on some level, the gears and cogs of reality are lubricated and turning as they should be. Not All of reality is busted and borken.

Why not reply with Your Own stories of happy coincidence?

1 comment:

SimAC said...

the best jokes in the world!