Saturday, June 18, 2005

Not done with you yet, God

Further discussion suggests that I like the idea of jealous gods. It just makes sense to me. It must be a dramatic thing to be a god, so jealousy fits. Jealous over what, You ask? Well they Are gods, it could be Anything.

"Hey, Odin's shield is nicer than mine..." - Jealous!
"Do you think Aphrodite has nicer tits than I do?" - Jealous!
"Nice Temple, your followers must really love you..." - Jealous!
"Oh I see Dionysus' wine won a gold seal, There's a surprise..." - Jealous!
"It's My golden apple!" - "No, it's My golden Apple!" - "The apple is Mine, bitch!" - Jealous, Jealous, Jealous!

Yeh, it's petty, but it is important for us little folk to have Some way to control the gods. Control?! Yup. It's one of the things gods are most jealous of, followers. To a Real god, a True, born-to-it-deity, it should always be a mystery why anyone would want to worship anyone else. "Oh, sure, Osiris can let you in on some secrets, but that's nothing compared to [insert your favourite god's powers here] is it?"

"Two arms?! Just Two arms?! I, Shiva have Six arms! Wanna Arm wrestle?"
Even the guy on the Fruit Breezers commercial can best an immortal, under these rules: "The god of War? Juuust War? I got Two jobs!" (^_^)

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