Tuesday, June 14, 2005

...Two Biiits

I've always seen shaving to be one of the great parts of being a guy. To whatever ends, I look forward every second day to taking an extremely keen edge to my face; using quick, precise movements to keep my face smooth. It is nice to have the occasional shave in a barbershop, yes, but overall I prefer to guage my own skill with the blade.

Perhaps it is because one is legitimate in taking as much time as they wish to shave. After all, who would fault someone for rushing when they could lop their nose off? I like to spend this extra time thinking. One is free to think as deeply or shallowly as one wants when shaving, but it is always very conscious thought. It is clear thought, focused by surgical steel. Thanks to this clarity ideas seem more poignant, resolutions carry more gravity, commonalities become profound.

Once, I was lucky enough to be shaved by a girl I was going out with. Her father was (alledgedly) a barber. I never met the man himself, but I reckon he was good at his work if his daughter was any way to tell. That was a lovely experience and I would repeat it in a minute. It is a deeply sensual thing to be shaved by someone else. If done well, you will have a very deep sense of trust with that person as well. Experience this if you can, but I digress...

There are those who believe shaving is unneccessary. Many a Uni prof make the mistake of growing their beards out to look all intellectual. Here's a hint: Glasses make a body look intellectual, not beards. The fact is that very few people look good with facial hair. To further the problem, those who do look good with it often need a period of experimentation to figure out Which style actually looks good on them.

Admittedly, I can't grow a proper beard or moustache. If anyone is inclined to accuse me of being jealous, by all means do it now. I have had facial hair cosmetically applied. I can tell you it is not becoming for me. Therefor I shave and revel in doing so.

This may be old fashioned, but I don't use an electric razor. Electrics interrupt the thought process. I have no enmity for electrics of course, indeed some guys should use exclusively an electric because it suits his personality. No, I have a standard safety razor, nothing unique. I once shaved with straight razor. The girl mentioned earlier also used one. I think I would invest in one later on, when I have the time to explore the true zen of shaving.

Now, there is a sink of hot water, steam rising to cloud the mirror of the medecine cabinet, and a keen edge waiting for me. My face is lathered even as I write this...

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