Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Does it bother any of you who read this that there are no photos?
Does it bother any of you that there is no video?
Does it bother any of you that there is, in fact, no audio even?

I keep toying with the idea. If any of you feel it would Improve your reading experience, let me know and I will begin to make changes.

I am in a computer lab at school. There are folks trying to work here. The woman at the next row of machines has opted to bring in her children, including a crying baby. I call the crying baby "squawky brat."

Maybe that's harsh. There are places and times, though, and I feel no remorse at pointing out that this is Neither.


Victor Kivisto said...

Damn right! I have a kid, and I don't even bring her along to hang out with friends because I KNOW she'll be a distraction at best, or a whiny little freak at worst. Some places kids simply should not go.

VG said...

On the topic of whiny brat, see a comment in your wife's blog, Vic.

Les Becker said...

As a human being who loves the silence of libraries, I heartily agree with you. As a mom, had no choice but to carry my toddler everywhere with me, I wonder if "Mom" was looking for daycare or a job online, or emailing her sister because she doesn't have internet access at home...? Sometimes, too, bringing the kids along helps them learn exactly how to behave properly in public settings.

Of course, if "Mom" wasn't even bothering to try and instruct the children on their behaviour, then I say Kick her to the curb, and her Squawky Brat, too!

Les Becker said...

Ooops...! And as far as pics and videos go... I can tell you that pics of cool things I see in my hometown get traffic and comments. Video can sometimes end up "overdone", but I throw it on now and again.

Personally, I would love to see your pics, as I don't travel. At all. Even as far as Sudbury and that's what..? Only three hours away? I do, however, like to travel vicariously through other bloggers' digital images... So... Yes! Post pics!

Goonius said...

As the resident luddite, I recomend staying away from anything new. All new things are frightening to me...

SimAC said...

Les makes an important point: Bringing the squawky buggers along Can socialize them If the parent is actively working towards it. I am thinking of the grandchildren of a woman named Vivian whom I worked with in Hamilton. Best adjusted children in public places that I have Ever known.
Of course in This case, Mom was making Zero effort at all. Charitably, we shall say that (very) Rare circumstance necessitates bringing them along. Beyond that, there is should be accomodations that can be made. My sister always managed them. So do the Many friends I have in similar circumstances. I guess it comes down to what was happening for that woman that day.

Les Becker said...

Yeah, yeah... and about the pics...? LOL!

Phinneas Q Jacksmith said...

I am severely bothered by everything this site lacks.

Make with the animated gifs!